If you are playing #wizardsunite, please add me!! Friends don‘t let friends play Harry Potter alone 🤣😉🧙🏻♀️⚡️🍺🏆🗝📜📰📚❣️ #itsrealforus #harrypotter #youreawizardharry
If you are playing #wizardsunite, please add me!! Friends don‘t let friends play Harry Potter alone 🤣😉🧙🏻♀️⚡️🍺🏆🗝📜📰📚❣️ #itsrealforus #harrypotter #youreawizardharry
42C today and on top of a high pain day, I‘m feeling awful from the heat. Even ducted air con is struggling in this weather! So I‘m hibernating in my dark bedroom & binging Harry Potter on Netflix. #youreawizardharry #wheresmyhogwartsletter #summersux
I almost forgot! #BookMail Pt5 today was this GORGEOUS booksleeve from the lovely Gail at @BookGoGo I highly recommend her Etsy store TotesAGoGo, she makes Sm & Lge sleeves plus knitting/sewing bags all made from high quality(and well padded)material. Plus she always adds some tea, a handmade corner bookmark & some bikkies! This sleeve is my favourite by far. They‘re so good, I now have five of her sleeves.🙌💕 #youreawizardharry
Anyone else super excited for the new Harry Potter game in the spring??? 😁😁 #youreawizardharry #HogwartsMystery
Time to get the summer rereading started!!! #WWBookClub #YoureAWizardHarry
Bookish Christmas ornaments. #youreawizardharry