The snow is still coming down so I see no reason to get off of the couch! Good thing I am liking this book!!! #wintersucks
The snow is still coming down so I see no reason to get off of the couch! Good thing I am liking this book!!! #wintersucks
I could rage at the foot of snow we just received in mid-April. I could also rage at the projected 12-18 more inches we are expected to receive over the next 24-36 hours in mid-April. Or I can focus on our impromptu art project from yesterday (designed specifically so Mommy doesn‘t have to see the snow outside)! Clear contact paper and tissue paper. All of the kids loved doing it. Isn‘t it beautiful!! #wintersucks #enoughalready #itsspring
I think the flu bug has finally caught up with me. I'm settling in with some hot tea, the softest tissues I could find, comfy jammies and a blanket, and some vacation planning. #hibernation #ifeelyucky #wintersucks #jammiesrock #WhiskeyBeforeBed #Ireland
Dear Winter,
Wicket and I have decided we need a break from you. Just to be clear, it‘s you, not us. These single digit temperatures suck. Go away.
With nothing but hate,
Wicket & Wildcat
P.S.: Why are you still here? Begone!
#wintersucks #rva #winter #dogsoflitsy #toocold #WicketsWorld
Stared this book today because I can't seem to finish a book. I just keep starting new ones.
Also, it's freaking cold here now. I really really hate the cold. I will be miserable from now until it starts being over 80 again. With the exception for the occasional days of over 65 we will get that are semi-tolerable. #wintersucks