As a homeschool momma I found this book incredibly beautiful. It not only helps me look at my children and their eduction in a new light, but myself. #homeschool
As a homeschool momma I found this book incredibly beautiful. It not only helps me look at my children and their eduction in a new light, but myself. #homeschool
This book reads like a textbook, which made it really hard to connect with it. And it‘s LONG (275 pages of double-column text). Though nominally supportive of general homeschooling, it‘s specific to unschooling for most of the text. I don‘t feel like I got much out of it, except for a few resources to look into. There are better, more current books out there.
As a #homeschool parent I have moments where I am amused by my children. Tonight looking at the two books my nine year old is currently reading was one of them. #history #science
This book is an excellent inspiration for simple painting projects inspired by the work of current artists. My kids tend to take the projects to the next level. 😆
#schoolofsmoores #homeschool
I‘m loving this history timeline picture book. It‘s told from the perspective of a boy who finds history boring, so his teacher gives him a magical notebook that transports him to different times in the past. There are interesting facts and profiles of famous people and it is, refreshingly, not a whitewashed version of history. And the illustrations are beautiful!
#schoolofsmoores #homeschool
This year, on the first day of homeschool, my older girls woke up to a letter from the esteemed headmistress (baby Clara) of S‘Moores School of Innovation & Inquiry, inviting them to enter the parallel world of a boarding school where “magic is in the mind.” They were each placed in a house named for a famous woman innovator (Grace Hopper & Temple Grandin) and began their journey of imaginative exploration for a new school year. 👇
Using this with my son to accompany Paradise Lost in our #homeschool. Just wanted to show what it looks like!
The modern English seems a bit simplistic when you also look at the original. But if my kids don‘t enjoy the harder literature, I want it to be because they don‘t like the story vs. because they barely floated thru it/didn‘t understand what the authors were saying. My son is a super reluctant reader, so these tools work well for us!!
I read this with my son for school, and I‘ve read it in previous years with my daughters #homeschool
It‘s good, but I didn‘t love it like I have some of the other hero tales we‘ve studied. There is a lot here in the way of moral character and flaws and humility, and I like all of the symbolism with the Christian faith. But this one just doesn‘t make me as excited as Beowulf or Chaucer‘s Tales 🤷🏻♀️
I love it, but I understand why some do not. I‘ve had the pleasure of reading it in high school and with my three teens, and what a joy!! The best thing about it is that we read together, analyzed it, and discussed it together. Everyone in the house has at least a respect for it, even if we all disagree on how “good” it is.
I love the adventure and swords, the knights and warriors, the mead hall, and the monsters and heroes. #homeschool #reread
I just pulled the first three books my son will use for school in the fall!! I think we may go ahead and get partially started on the next school year so we‘ll be at least a little bit ahead. My son is a reluctant reader. This is not the first time I‘ve done this particular English course with my family, so while my son is reading for content and theme for papers etc, I‘m going to enjoy my re-rereads 🤓 #homeschool