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I usually don‘t do photo challenges because I‘m horrible at keeping up, but my current #research book is perfect for today‘s #tuneinNovember #YouKnowImNoGood

Cinfhen So glad you decided to play along because book sounds fascinating! I think u might like this @TrishB @Reviewsbylola 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen that sounds really interesting 👍 Stacked. 7y
SaraPortman @TrishB hope you like it! 7y
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The Tote Bag | Jitesh Patel
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#TuneInNovember #PinchMe @Cinfhen @Robothugs

My first product has been made, sent and delivered!! And I still can't really believe it!! So surreal 😍😍

Cinfhen So cool!!! I need to hear more details??? 7y
daydreamin_star @Cinfhen you can find more info here: www.daydreamingdesigns.co.uk 7y
daydreamin_star @Cinfhen they'll also be on Redbubble soon x 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Another not in Litsy and just ebook. As someone whose #birthday is a few days before Christmas I have never really celebrated it. But you better believe I go all out for the winter holidays. #tuneinnovember.

Robopocalypse | Daniel H. Wilson
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I received book #2 from my #halloweengoespostal match. I have always wanted to read book 1 and forgot I owned it on my iPad. #booksfromboxes. #tuneinnovember.

Donna_sBookMinute I agree digital versions can be forgotten. 7y
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Billionaire's Curse | Richard Newsome
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I bet that diamond has a great #shine. #tuneinnovember.

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Antisocial | Jillian Blake
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I think this book is susposed to be a #wakeupcall to teens about social media. #tuneinnovember.

Cinfhen Hope they heed the warning ⚠️ 7y
Donna_sBookMinute Good idea. 7y
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Red Rising | Pierce Brown
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I am #overpowered by the number of books on my iPad. And this is after I took a ton off. #tuneinnovember

GlassAsDiamonds Do you delete them completely or just from the device? (Trying to decide how to handle some a *hated* then kept buying...🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️). 7y
LibrarianRyan I delete it so I can not see it at all. Mostly it's stuff I read. I do keep any notes or bookmarks in case I need it again. Only audiobooks we I delete the file but keep the book. And then it's not@ally a@space thing. Most audiobooks I won't listen to again so once I'm done I compleatly delete it so I can no long see it. Does that make sense? 7y
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In many Alice Retellings the Mad Hatter belongs in an asylum. #misterasylum #tuneinnovember

Cinfhen That cover though😍 7y
LibrarianRyan @Cinfhen my i had 3 of the book series (TBR) and for some reason it changed the version to the compiled version that is tagged here. But it left me an extra copy of book 1 with original cover. 7y
Cinfhen 👍🏻 7y
Robothugs I don‘t think his suspenders are doing their job 🤔 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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So, I'm going to try and complete this challenge using only books on my iPad. A rocket ship is a #bigjetplane. This comes from a fun series of books about Hank the Monster by Grumpy Lobster. I love the entire set and so does my nephew. I hope they make hire. This is from Hank and Jacks pizza day. #tuneinnovember

Cinfhen Good luck!!! Some of these prompts are hard!!!! 7y
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Foundation Trilogy | Isaac Asimov
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#TuneInNovember #BooksFromBoxes Some boxed sets I have found at various used book sales .Sadly ,I have some books in boxes I don‘t have shelves for right now, I‘d open those , but don‘t want to cry,sigh,and carry on right now.😂🙄

vivastory Love these, especially the calvino set 7y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory I‘ve read one of the 3, others on the Everest that is my TBR. 7y
vivastory One of the three sets, or one of the three calvino) 7y
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Leftcoastzen @vivastory Invisible Cities of the Calvino set, read foundation years ago ,only pilgrim in Dillard. 7y
vivastory Invisible Cities is the only of all of these I have read. I want to read all of them eventually 7y
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