@Meaw_catlady my girl Seasons wishes you felt better! This is my favorite picture of her! 💖💖💖
@Meaw_catlady my girl Seasons wishes you felt better! This is my favorite picture of her! 💖💖💖
Hey, #LitsyLove friends! I just wanted you guys to know that I haven't forgotten about notes I owe you. I've been in some chronic pain and living with mental illnesses lately that have been difficult to deal with. I'm hoping I'll be able to get the responses in the mail this week! I'm sorry it's taking so long, but I had to rest for a while.
1.) I love to paint, read, write pen pal letters, and listen to podcasts.
2.) I love thrillers, action, true crime, and the occasional romance novel. As a palette cleanser, I love cozy mysteries and easy to read, light fiction. I'm not really a fan of sci-fi.
3.) Seasons is my cat who I love so stinking much! Her hashtag is #thecatnamedseasons.
4.) Yep!
5.) Skeleton keys!
6.) I met my BFF through pen pal letters! 💖
#LitsyLove #LitsyLoveSurvey
Pink nose & toe beans!!! 💖💖💖💖 search #thecatnamedseasons on IG to see more sweet pictures of my girl Seasons!
I'd rather be reading, but I'm up late editing. I happened to glance up and found my cat enthralled by The X-Files. 😻 she's such a weird little thing.
#catsoflitsy #thecatnamedseasons #couchpotatocat
I guess I'm not working on word search puzzles anymore. 😻
#thecatnamedseasons #catsoflitsy
The coffee maker caught her attention. This was just seconds before her back paws slipped and she fell. I think it bruised her ego, she has been laying in the window sill since and won't look at me. 😻
My little one had surgery yesterday. She came through just fine, and now she is ultra cuddly! She has never slept next to me for so long before and I'm soaking it all up and reading. 😍😻📚
#thecatnamedseasons #catsoflitsy #catcuddles