#HeatofJuly Manipulative and selfish, yet charming and confident with a 17-inch waist. #Sheaintworthit or is she?
#HeatofJuly Manipulative and selfish, yet charming and confident with a 17-inch waist. #Sheaintworthit or is she?
You might look at these challenging authors and conclude #sheaintworthit But.....you'd be wrong... totally worth it 😉
#HeatofJuly @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen
Many people told Edward VIII that #SheAintWorthIt when it came to Wallis Simpson.
#HeatOfJuly Listen dude....#SheAintWorthIt 😜
#UnpopularOpinion time, but seriously Knightley, Emma #sheaintworthit. 🙄 I don‘t care how much she redeems herself in the end, Emma is my least favourite Austen heroine, and Knightley could have done so much better!
#HeatOfJuly Day 28: Occasional feelings of #SheAintWorthIt as Audrey is diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder. As Fats noted: “We aren‘t told exactly how it happened, only that it was triggered by something that happened in school, and ever since then she has stayed home and found comfort in her dark den.” Fats and Iphigene do a “conversational review” of this lovely book here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-a63