Ch 2.5: #nomonksweretripped #theymaypreferthat #itwouldbelesspainful #separationofchurchandstate #myheadhurts #thatwasalot #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 2.5: #nomonksweretripped #theymaypreferthat #itwouldbelesspainful #separationofchurchandstate #myheadhurts #thatwasalot #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
I have been out of work for 1 1/2 months. My choice. Decided to leave a toxic environment.
Today I had 2 interviews and got 2 job offers.
Tomorrow I have 2 more interviews and I HOPE I get a job offer from a midwestern retailer.
Just happy to be employed again. 😊
I still think Hamilton is rolling over in his grave at the moment. He was sceptical of religion, so forcing Christianity on the masses, especially one particular brand of it, would piss him off. Our government is also lacking in the whole “enlighten the people” bit as very few - if any - of them are enlightened themselves.
#alexanderhamilton #ronchernow #centralgovernment #enlightenedpopulous #separationofchurchandstate
An account of the life of Roger Williams, who in 1636 founded the colony of Providence Plantation (Rhode Island) as a refuge for religious minorities. Williams, an early proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state, is said to be the first to link religious freedom to individual liberty – which led to America‘s creation as the first government and society on earth informed by those beliefs.
Day 18: #adventrecommends
There was good news that came today though! I won a giveaway from the very lovely @VelvetSpade AND my #botm box shipped!! 👍🏻👍🏻😁😁 I‘m so glad for this book community and family!
Only just nearing the end of Part One and my stomach is already in knots 😱 Growing up in the Bible Belt, the religious beliefs and culture in this book make it terrifyingly realistic. Especially in today's current political climate where the boundaries between church and state are often threatened. Two thumbs up from me so far 👍👍
#terrifyinglyclosetohome #separationofchurchandstate #whathappensinatheocracy