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I just can‘t with this book anymore. If you are into martial arts for the sport, the exercise, the community - if you‘re more into forms than sparring - this book is absolutely NOT written for you. If you‘re into martial arts to win fist fights (street fights is Christensen‘s preferred term), to beat people up, to find new, unique, inventive, and technical ways to hurt people…

GingerAntics then this is just the book you need to do all those things better than ever before! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 4mo
GingerAntics He repeatedly and at length waxes poetic about all the fist fights he got into as a police officer, even advocating dealing with a person who is upset by elbowing them repeatedly in the face (complete with pictures). 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 4mo
GingerAntics This is like a manual on everything that is wrong with police officers and everything that makes good and decent cops look like monsters. It‘s also a manual on all the negative stereotypes about martial arts and martial artists and how to make them seem like a reality. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 4mo
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GingerAntics Some of the drills assume you have martial arts equipment in your home that smaller martial arts schools don‘t even always have. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 4mo
GingerAntics Some of the exercises and/or techniques make no sense as they are described (how do you do a front kick starting with your knee facing the ground, your foot “as close to your rear as you can get it,” pointing at your target but still a FRONT kick - this isn‘t even physically possible unless you‘ve dislocated your hips and can somehow kick through your body?) 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 4mo
GingerAntics and they have no photos (but we get photos of him elbowing a person who is upset - good choice). To make this entire thing even more nonsensical, no videos are available of these techniques even in the vast world of YouTube, so are they really that great? YouTube has dozens (hundreds, thousands, innumerable) tutorials on every move ever used in an MMA fight, but it doesn‘t have a single video of an “upside down front kick” or a “cobra kick.” 👇🏻 4mo
GingerAntics MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 4mo
GingerAntics This book is a total waste of time and money for any real martial artist. Ask for home drills from your instructors or from martial artists online. This book is a nightmare for any real martial artist. 4mo
Dilara Oh dear! That sounds awful. 4mo
Bookwomble Oh! 😱 Sounds like everything that's wrong with martial arts. Thank goodness the author's no longer a police officer. 4mo
GingerAntics @Bookwomble that‘s the thing, that‘s NOT martial arts. Every teacher I‘ve ever had has been very clear that they will not tolerate people with this mentality in their schools. They would kick out an adult like this, and they would never allow a kid becoming this to belt test until they stopped doing this. This is all of the stereotypes that aren‘t even true. This doesn‘t match the tenants of any martial art. 4mo
GingerAntics @Dilara this guy is a piece of work 4mo
quietlycuriouskate Ugh, that sounds beyond terrible! Re your comment, MAKE IT MAKE SENSE: seconded, as an all-purpose principle. 4mo
Bookwomble I get it: he's Cobra Kai! 🐍 4mo
GingerAntics @Bookwomble I haven‘t seen that show. I don‘t get it. Is that just people beating up other people for the sake of beating them up? He‘s supposedly this greatly respected martial arts instructor, if YouTube and articles about him can be believed. I‘m just glad he‘s not a cop anymore. Police brutality much? 4mo
GingerAntics @quietlycuriouskate right? None of it makes sense. This is not how martial arts is taught, nor should it be. 4mo
GingerAntics @Bookwomble he claims it‘s from kajukenbo… of which I can find nothing of this kick anywhere. It‘s a combination of karate, judo, kendo, and boxing, none of which have this kick. Karate has a cobra kick, but it‘s a type of side kick, not a front kick. I swear, he‘s just making this 💩 up as he goes. 🙄 4mo
Bookwomble Less "Mr Miyagi", more "Mr My Arse"! ? 4mo
GingerAntics @Bookwomble that is a perfect description… I think that would be my one sentence review of this book. 3mo
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Anyone else see a problem here? This guy goes on and on about how he was a cop and all the fist fights he got into. A motorist is angry, so your response is to elbow him in the face repeatedly? This guy is straight up obsessed with beating people up. He doesn‘t give a crap about sport, his in it to beat people up. I don‘t feel like this is what martial arts are supposed to be about these days.
#SoloTraining #LorenWChristensen

kspenmoll 🤬🤬 4mo
GingerAntics @kspenmoll yeah, I haven‘t read any more of this one. I think it‘s going to be my first DNF of 2024! 4mo
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Hensel and Gretel: Ninja Chicks | Corey Rosen Schwartz, Rebecca J Gomez
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HEY #TeamCryptKeepers. This is a repost for @Catsandbooks #LitsyCrafters #Scarathlon She decided to do this so we can get extra points, so if you feel crafty, you can try to make your own Gingerbread house 🏠with your own decorations. @TheBookHippie @JenReadsAlot @BarkingMadRead @kezzlou85 @Marmie7 @Rissa1 @aperfectmjk @Bookishgal71 @Nazgul93 @natsahara @BookingitwithSandra
If there are any questions,see @Catsandbooks #LitsyCrafters on her post

Catsandbooks Thanks so much for sharing!! 8mo
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Today's reading

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Has this ever happened to you? Your significant other orders a book and you have to immediately cancel the order because said book is already part of your collection? Oh, yeah, and you also know EXACTLY where the book is located within your vast color coded filing system and you walk right to it! Note to spouse: never order a book without checking my collection first! 🤣

KathyWheeler I, myself, have bought books that I already own! 😄. It doesn‘t happen so often now since I got LibraryThing and cataloged all my books. (edited) 2y
Chrissyreadit Yes- it happens to me. 2y
SRWCF @KathyWheeler same here! 2y
SRWCF @Chrissyreadit I'm in good company then! 2y
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Her experiences as a Secret Service Agent during various administrations ( and 9/11) was interesting. The story is read by the author. I like how she starts each chapter with a quote from an ancient Greek. I‘m a sucker for quotes. Unfortunately, with an audiobook, you‘re rarely in a position to jot it down.

JanuarieTimewalker13 2022 Book 1 2y
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I would definitely be interested in an updated edition of this book. This was written in the 90s and it would be great to hear things about the current digital world. Overall it was a great book about harnessing your fear to help protect you.

Through the Grinder | Cleo Coyle
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Reading this alongside Cilka‘s Journey, when it gets too heavy. #selfdefense #myheart #cozymystery

Crazeedi I read a couple of this series, they're fun reads! 3y
BarkingMadRead @Crazeedi I really enjoyed the first one! I just found this one at a used bookstore last week and I was so happy! 3y
Crazeedi @BarkingMadRun I think I did the first 3, borrowed through libby, I'm going to have to look for next one, i just have too many in my queue right now 3y
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Today‘s card is: Seven if Diamonds; EFFORT

“Archery was a proper pastime for ladies and gentlemen, who often became quite good when they invest their time”

This book discusses honing your instincts to better understand dangerous situations. It makes me think about the work that goes in to honing those skills.

What does this make you think of? Comment below!

Crazeedi This book was a beautiful story of a community's effort 4y
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I attended a personal safety workshop over the weekend and the instructor recommended this book.

Sharpeipup I read it years ago & ive learned to trust my gut. I‘m sure it‘s saved me without my knowing it. 4y
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