#nonbookish post
A question for the folks that used to participate in #bookfitnesschallenge and are also FitBit users:
I‘ve been a hardcore FitBit fan for years, but I‘m falling out of love. It doesn‘t meet my needs anymore, I was turned off by the Premium launch, and don‘t wear it that much anymore because the interface now bothers me too.
Thinking of jumping ship for the Apple Watch, but wondering if anyone has used a Garmin or other device?
RealLifeReading I used a Garmin a few years back, switched to a Fitbit and now use an Apple Watch. Of course this was a few years ago and things may have improved but the garmin app was horrible. I swim sometimes and I love how the Apple Watch can track my different strokes and laps very accurately. 5y
CocoReads I‘m still using my Fitbit-but I‘m pretty lazy about syncing it. My oldest upgraded to the Fitbit versa watch. I don‘t like that it doesn‘t count my steps when I‘m pushing a cart (which I do for the majority of my work days) so I wind up wearing it on my scrub pocket loop to get all my steps counted. I‘m not into premium because I‘m cheap. I don‘t like the watches because their so big. So for now I‘m sticking with my ulta. 5y
alisiakae @RealLifeReading I think Garmin has made a lot of advances in recent years, which is why they caught my attention. But I don‘t know anyone that uses Garmin. And now that my Peloton bike syncs with Apple, Garmin and FitBit, I could go with any of the three. 5y
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runswithscissors007 I have had a garmin vivo activ for over 2 years now (previous Fitbit surge user) and I love love love it! 5y
julesG Since I'm using an ancient Fitbit device, I haven't had any problems yet. No premium services available here in Germany either (yet). But, to answer your question, a friend switched to Garmin about a year ago and I haven't heard any complaints. Another friend is a big Apple fan and also wears an Apple watch, which she had to have replaced twice, can't remember why though. 5y
alisiakae @CocoReads One of my biggest issues is Fitbit is not well suited for cycling and yoga, the two forms of exercise I do the most. I used to walk/run, but have cut that out a lot in the last year for cycling, because it is easier to manage and doesn‘t exacerbate my plantar fasciitis. 5y
CocoReads Yes, it‘s definitely not well suited to yoga or cycling. Weights either, which I‘ve discovered is my favorite. 5y
runswithscissors007 As a side note... who is your favourite on peloton? Any recommendations? (So far Robin is my go to!) 5y
alisiakae @runswithscissors007 what makes it better for you? Although if I opt for a watch style device, it will probably be Apple. I currently use the FitBit inspire because I like the smaller profile. 5y
alisiakae @runswithscissors007 So many!! I take a lot of Power Zone classes, and am thrilled that CDE now teaches those. I also love Cody. Robin and Ally are faves of mine too. But Cody is always, always my go to when I‘m looking for fun. Matt Wilpers when I am looking for a personal trainer. I definitely recommend trying the PZ program and taking the FTP test. I‘m #AllyRidesNC on the bike. 5y
wanderinglynn I dumped my fitbit a couple months ago. But I haven‘t switched to other tech. I decided to go wearable-tech free for a while. 5y
rockpools Sorry Alisia - you‘ve known me all of my fitness-tracker-using life! Still on the cheapest smallest Fitbit I could get my hands on (Flex 2) which I keep in my pocket, as I‘m not keen on having things round my wrist. I can see why you‘d want to make a change (the customer service/lack of fixing issues is pretty poor, without the cycling/yoga issue) - when this one packs in, I probably won‘t upgrade. 5y
Scochrane26 @4thhouseontheleft I‘m glad you asked this question because my Fitbit stopped working after they did the upgrade. I think from what I saw on the forum that they just discontinued mine, which made me refuse to spend $ on a new one. I‘ve sort of been using MyFitnessPal, which is fine. Not sure I want another tracker, but all this info is good. 5y
alisiakae @wanderinglynn That‘s where I am on the fence. I need to probably decide if I want something I wear during exercise only (which I could continue with the FitBit since it does fulfill my need for HR monitoring), or something to wear all the time. 5y
Jovy I was crazy about Fitbit until I got an Apple Watch. I have an Elliptical and Total Gym for weights and Apple tracks it pretty well. Also closing my circles (stand, move and exercise goals) are a big motivation. The best part about the Watch for me though is the convenience of stopping audiobooks without reaching for the phone. Love it!! 5y
alisiakae @RachelO thatMs probably how I am leaning, continue with my current FitBit until it goes kaput, but no more upgrades after that. 5y
alisiakae @Jovy Oooh, this helps! So Apple Watch can track weights? Hubby has the watch, but doesn‘t do any strength training. I also didn‘t know about the audiobook convenience! ❣️ 5y
alisiakae @Jovy for example, one of my issues, is that often when I do yoga or weights, my FitBit will actually send me a “get moving” alert, which is annoying! But I don‘t want to have to go into the app to manually start logging the work out. 5y
runswithscissors007 If I think hard about it ... I love the garmin because it does what it says it will do. It does it simply. And it has never glitched. It remains robust through upgrades. All things the fit bit failed at. I have a friend who loves her Apple as much as I love my garmin. And we have pretty similar needs/interests. 5y
runswithscissors007 I will look you up on peloton. (I only have the app... no equipment). I am #runswithscissor 5y
BookwormM I am planning on ditching my Fitbit for a Garmin 4s I was not impressed when Fitbit sold out to Google 5y
Jovy @4thhouseontheleft Oooh yes that is annoying! Strength Training shows up in the “Other” category. It says it tracks your calories equivalent to a brisk walk. I‘ve never gotten a prompt asking me if I‘m still working out while doing weights. So that‘s good? 😅I don‘t do yoga so I‘m not sure how that works on the watch. But it is one of the main workouts available. Hubby has Garmin because he‘s on Samsung but he loves it too. 5y
audraelizabeth I have a 3plus elite, it has a lot of the functionality and runs around $30. 5y
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