Ch 1: #ourgirlisobsessedwiththerosenbergs #inNYConscholarship #doreensoundslikeapill #everythingourgirlwantstobe #shetriessohard #neverquitehitsthemark #alwaysontheoutsidelookingin #offtoaparty #idonttrustthesecowboys #doreeniscalmcoolcollected #afewdrinksandmovingon #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Anyone else finding the sense of time off? Not quite sure how to describe it but she's apparently in the present at some points and in the past at others and I seem to have missed the transitions. Might be careless reading on my part.
There was some recent news about Ethel Rosenberg's son trying to prove her innocence.... 2mo