Thank you so much @SomedayAlmost for the Microfiction collection.
I‘m in the process of moving and this was a lovely surprise when I went to my old apartment for my last load of stuff.
#bookmail #surprise #movingproblems
Thank you so much @SomedayAlmost for the Microfiction collection.
I‘m in the process of moving and this was a lovely surprise when I went to my old apartment for my last load of stuff.
#bookmail #surprise #movingproblems
Obviously me 📚📚📚📚📚
#readerproblems #movingproblems #purgingproblems
((My husband told me yesterday that we need to purge junk before we move 🙄 I told him we have NO junk))
Talk about GOLDEN TICKET! AH! Thanks so much to @hmhbooks for the beautiful #Bookmail. Who's up for co reading it this weekend?! 😍❤️📚
This isn't the book I want it to be, but objectively, it's a good book. Does that happen to anyone else? I'm feeling a little frustrated.
Also thanks for continuing to follow me, comment and like, even when I don't have enough time to look at my feed a lot. Things will cool down in a few weeks. #movingproblems #newjob #startingover 😃😃😎
is this the first step in becoming a Missouri resident? #movingproblems but excited to read a book I've had on hold for weeks