I blasted through ACOMAF and I‘m rereading it while #littensloveacotar continues the 3 chapters a day buddy read but I‘m weak and have started ACOWAR
I blasted through ACOMAF and I‘m rereading it while #littensloveacotar continues the 3 chapters a day buddy read but I‘m weak and have started ACOWAR
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.52-54: Gosh, Rhys has been through so much it‘s amazing that he‘s still such a good person. He is everything and I‘m glad Feyre is finally listening to her heart. I‘m glad she‘s painting again and has opened up that part of herself again. Obviously a lot can still happen to keep them apart (I‘m looking at you Tamlin) but I love that they‘ve acknowledged their feelings for each other.
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.49-51: These were some tense chapters! It was awesome that Feyre could Winnow from tree to tree and she was pretty badass. Now I understand that Feyre has issues with the truth being held back from her-but seriously, Rhys was literally dying in that cave and she chucks the flower at him with a scowl. Couldn‘t that wait? Sense the room girl! 😆
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.46-48: During training, Feyre is surrounded by Lucien & Spring Court guards-they try to get her to go back with them. Feyre becomes pissed (and good for her!) and her powers come out - she even grows a pair - of wings that is! Rhys and she end up at an inn and have to share a room and a bed. Oh darn! And things naturally escalate - and it‘s about time. Here‘s hoping the morning after isn‘t too awkward.
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.43-45: First off - how great was the dancing star fall celebration? So romantic. I feel as though every interaction between Rhys and Feyre is important and I pay such attention while I‘m reading. I feel bad that she feels she is betraying Tamlin as she starts to fall for Rhys. ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.40-42: first, those mortal queens are bitches. They even pissed off Elain. Second, they cannot seriously tell them about Velaris! There has to be another way. Third, who was shooting them with ash arrows? It could be anyone…Tarquin, Tamlin, Keir, Hybern? Lots of enemies. Finally, things are heating up between Rhys and Feyre - too bad thinking keeps getting in the way. Feyre needs to lock that down.
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.37-39: I love when we get to see the real Rhys, the man behind the mask. He‘s showing who he really is to Feyre more and more. I love their notes back and forth. I worry that with the blood rubies, the Summer court will tell Tamlin that Feyre was there. That could bring trouble. Or Tarquin could ally with Tamlin. Will Rhys be able to keep her safe in his court?
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2: Ch.34-36: wow things are tense, and Feyre‘s powers sure are growing. And I‘m glad Rhys explained himself about the whole Cresseida thing - gah. I just want Feyre and Rhys together and happy. Is that too much to ask? Oh right - impending war. Mission to accomplish. Right…focus…
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2: Ch.31-33: we see the dangers that exist between courts. You have to read between the lines of everything that is said diplomatically. I can‘t believe the Summer Court would threaten to return Feyre to Tamlin and risk pissing off the Night Court. I can‘t believe that the law says Feyre belongs to him. Could he really mean war over her? ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2: Ch.28-30: I love how Feyre is working things out in her mind, about Tamlin and about her time Under the Mountain. I‘m glad she‘s realized everything that Rhys did for her while she was there - and the big nothing that Tamlin did. Then and since. Now she just has to learn how to harness her new powers so that she knows how to use them. Btw - the more we get to know Rhysand, the more I fall for him. ⬇️