I'm not trying to create a panic here, or suggest that the following is true...it is more of, just in case, this may be helpful.
A little while ago, I saw talk about Litsy no longer being available in the Android app-store ??
...and I freaked! What does that mean. Is it technical difficulties or is the Litsy community in trouble??
Again, not knowing what's really going on...I figured it couldn't hurt to do some Litsy advertising.
Now, I don't normally donate or give away books from my personal library that I have enjoyed (love/like). For Litsy, I have decided to give up some of my “liked“ or “really-liked“ books from their safe place on my library shelves 🥲📚💝.
Then, don't hate me, I wrote on them👀...I used to frown upon writing in books, then one day I became a fan✍️💝.
I write:👇 (edited) 19h
The book's hashtag for “my“ review here on Litsy, which is #“thebooksname“reviewedbyanncrystal
“date read“
And my name and/or initials (optional).
👇 (edited) 19h
Yesterday, when I came across
@TheSpineView discussing more Litsy issues...
...I wonder, what if more Littens began tagging any books they released back into the reading stream with their own info? That would be a whole lot more advertising for Litsy.
👇 (edited) 19h
Again, don't know if Litsy is even really in trouble, but I love this place and would be sad if I couldn't be a Litten anymore 📚💝.
🤔I will continue to advertise for Litsy📚. 46m