This one is one of my go-to for those times when you #FeelLikeYouWontMakeIt I know a lot of ppl don‘t see it, but I love the optimism of that last line. 💙💙💙#SurvivingDecember #lastlines
This one is one of my go-to for those times when you #FeelLikeYouWontMakeIt I know a lot of ppl don‘t see it, but I love the optimism of that last line. 💙💙💙#SurvivingDecember #lastlines
This is the last line from a book I read this year that is a coming of age story for a young woman in Nigeria who is finds her LGBTQ+ identity coming in conflict with her extremely conservative culture. It is an absolutly beautiful story! #LGBTQPride #riotgrams #lastlines
I missed this prompt yesterday (with six photo challenges this month I am afraid that is going to happen a lot). John Irving famously begins writing every novel with the last line so here is where he started this book. #lastlines #splashintosummerreads
#splashintosummerreads Day 3 I'm currently in the middle of rereading this, but here are the last lines. I don't know if this spoilery or not. 🙂#lastlines
I have always loved the #lastlines of The Martian. The whole book was very humerous but this made me laugh out loud. #splashintosummerreads