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Love this box of Tazo Classic Chai. It reminds me of Hugo SO much… and of course Nelson and Apollo.
#ChaiTea #Tea #Patience #TJKlune #UnderTheWhisperingDoor #Nelson #Apollo #Hugo #HappinessInACup

GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I am now curious as to whether Tazo is supposed to be pronounced with a T or a D at the beginning. 😏🧐 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Alexa says DAXO 😂😂😂💀😱 3y
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OH CREEPY STAG CHILD THAT WAS AMAZING!!! It was easier than the season 2 finale of Star Trek: Discovery, but still hard. It didn‘t really hurt, though. It was beautiful and wonderful. How does TJ Klune do this?! (Now I need an illustration of Wallace alive again, though it is cool when this one moves.)
#TJKlune #UnderTheWhisperingDoor #HugoAndWallace #Hugo #Wallace

GondorGirl Oh. My. God. I've been checking Litsy, like, every 10 minutes to see if you'd finished yet! 3y
GondorGirl It was seriously one of those books that break your heart, then piece it back together again! 3y
GingerAntics @GondorGirl 😂🤣😂 sorry, we had a grocery delivery which delayed things. It really does. It doesn‘t hurt like I expected it to. There is a last minute reprieve for Wallace, and I think Nelson prepared us for his departure. That was sad, and Hugo sending Apollo to keep grandad out of trouble was brilliant. I cried so hard, but it was time. It was peaceful and right. This book is, just like Cerulean, utterly perfect. I‘m still taking it all in. 3y
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DGRachel YAY!!!!! 3y
GingerAntics @DGRachel I‘m SOOO glad I kept reading. It was perfect in every way. 3y
DGRachel Told you so! 🤣🤣 I‘m really glad you loved it. 3y
Branwen @GondorGirl I've been doing the same thing! 🤣😂 3y
Branwen HOORAY! 💕 I just KNEW you were going to be so happy about the ending! I honestly think this is my #1 favorite book of the year. Just based on HOW MANY FEELS it gave me! 😃 3y
Branwen Perfect really is just the PERFECT word for this book! 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen I totally agree with that. This is absolutely my number one book of the year. 3y
CoffeeNBooks I'm so glad you finished reading it! I didn't want to say anything that would give the ending away! I could totally relate to your despair, and I came up with the same possible theories you came up with about how it was going to end. I never thought the ending would be what it was. I seriously wanted to hug this book when I finished reading it. 💙 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks EXACTLY!!! How else am I supposed to hug Hugo, Wallace, and Mei?! I love them so much!!! I hope I get them when I die. 😆 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks @DGRachel @Branwen @GondorGirl I was so happy when they had chai tea at the end, when that‘s what they made for Nelson‘s (and unknowingly at the time Apollo‘s) last cup of tea in the shop. ALL. THE. FEELS. 3y
GondorGirl Apollo is, by far, the best ghost service doggo ever. I really loved how we really got to see his character, even though he didn't talk. And he was okay to leave with Nelson, because he knew Hugo had someone else to watch out for him 3y
GingerAntics @GondorGirl right? That was so perfect. 🥰🥰🥰 This was a great demonstration of the awareness of animals with the people they love. I love that Apollo wasn‘t quite a service dog, too. He was a service dog training drop out, but he was the perfect service dog for Hugo. 3y
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I can‘t. I can‘t do this. Wallace may be able to accept this, but I cannot. I want to close this book, put it back on my shelf (right next to The House in the Cerulean Sea), write a lovely review, and forever and always believe that Hugo figured out something. ANYthing. I want to believe that Nelson sacrificed himself for Wallace to stay. I want to believe that Hugo and Wallace stay together until they can go through that door together.

GingerAntics I can‘t do this. I just can‘t. #TJKlune #UnderTheWhisperingDoor #Wallace #Hugo IT HURTS SO BAD ALREADY!!! 💔💔💔 3y
CoffeeNBooks This is the point at which I, too, thought about putting it back on the shelf. 💔 😭 3y
CoffeeNBooks And I was pretty sure that after the heartbreak of this book, I was never going to want to read another book ever again. 😢 3y
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GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks see, I can‘t afford that to happen. I was on a book hang over before I started this masterpiece!!! I have to lead two different reading groups on Sunday. 😢😢😢 3y
CoffeeNBooks I finished the book, I absolutely loved it, and I have been able to move on to other books. You just have to keep reading. You've invested this much! Wallace and Hugo would want you to keep reading their story! 😊 3y
GondorGirl I really cannot wait for you to finish the book. I want to see your reaction, because your reading experience has been so similar to mine and I want to relive the ending through you. 🧡🧡 3y
Desha I couldn‘t finish it I‘m sorry to say...but I‘m rooting for you to finish! It sounds like it‘s worth it! If I hadn‘t already donated my copy to the library I might try again....📚♥️ 3y
DGRachel KEEP GOING! I promise it will be worth it. I know it hurts. I literally went through half a box of tissue, but keep going. 😘 3y
DGRachel Side note-I made my work book club read Cerulean. Everyone loved it. I am now making them read this one. Keep. Going. 3y
GingerAntics @Desha you really didn‘t finish?! 😳😳😳 at all?! Because it hurt too much?! Seriously?! 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks @GondorGirl @DGRachel I have to confess that I‘ve read the very last page (2-3 sentences) before the epilogue… of course it makes no sense, but I‘m trying to figure out how THAT fits into Wallace being forced through the door. Of course, I‘ve thought of 2 potential alternate endings (one I mentioned in my post)… 🥺😫😩💔💔🥃 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks @GondorGirl @DGRachel I‘m already going to need at least 5 years of therapy after watching the season 2 finale of Star Trek: Discovery (I don‘t think I saw half the episode because I was crying so hard. IT DESTROYED ME… at least Spock said it at the end). Maybe I can find someone who has seen that AND read this book, just so I can be prepared if it‘s worse than that. I feel like it‘s going to be. Anyone know any other Uber nerds?! 3y
Desha Yes, I seriously didn‘t finish! But since reading your post I am seriously rethinking that and thinking I have to get my hands on another copy 😂! 3y
GingerAntics @Desha what made you decide to not finish it? 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks @GondorGirl @DGRachel okay, just tell me one thing: yes or no, does it have a happy ending?! 3y
GingerAntics I‘ve thought of a third possible ending. Make that 4. I‘m really hoping it‘s not the fourth. I think the third would be the best possibly outcome to hope for. (edited) 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks @GondorGirl @DGRachel possible solutions to their little problem are: 1. Nelson takes Wallace‘s place. 2. Hugo “quits” so he can go through the door WITH Wallace (yes I‘m saying what you think I‘m saying). 3. Because Hugo is a ferryman, he can exist on both sides of the door, so he can visit Wallace (and maybe touch him on the other side of the door) until he goes through permanently. 4. Hugo loses Wallace forever and I‘m destroyed. 3y
DGRachel I will tell you that none of your 4 theories are correct. I closed the book after the final page with a smile on my face, hugging the book to my chest. That is all I‘m going to tell you. FINISH THE BOOK! 😘😘 3y
GingerAntics @DGRachel well, then it‘s a good thing that after reading chapters 19 & 20 I now have a FIFTH theory. Also, OH MY GOD CAMERON!!! 3y
Desha I didn‘t stop reading for the same reason you did. But now I really want to go back and finish lol! 👏🏻📚 3y
Desha I should say for the same reason you were thinking of stopping because you didn‘t stop you kept going! 👏🏻👏🏻 3y
GingerAntics @Desha it‘s wonderful and beautiful. I hope whatever made you stop reading isn‘t a big deal and you can finish the book. It‘s AMAZING!!! 3y
Desha Oh I‘m so glad you liked it! I‘m going to try and get a copy at the library since that‘s where I donated my copy 😂😊 3y
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Hugo telling Wallace that he liked his tea really got me right in the feels. I needed some yummy Wallace tea… I mean peppermint tea to help me through the weird run in with Cameron.
#TJKlune #UnderTheWhisperingDoor #Wallace #Hugo #Tea #TeaShop #PeppermintTea #Cameron

DGRachel Is it possible to read this book without drinking peppermint tea at some point? I don‘t think so. 3y
Branwen @DGRachel I drank so much peppermint tea while reading this book! 😂 3y
Branwen Are you loving it so far? 💕 3y
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GingerAntics @DGRachel I don‘t think so either. It‘s just too much a part of the book, and part of what makes it so beautiful. 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen this is my third cup since starting the book. I‘m probably a bit behind. 😂 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen YEEES!!! I‘m really struggling in a way, because I know logically how it must end… but since Nelson talked about leaving Hugo when we found what he needed and missing his wife, now I‘m sort of hoping that the ending is slightly different, though still completely heartbreaking and lovely all the same. Im afraid to hope. Either way I‘m going to cry like I did at the end of Angus Browne. 3y
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I can see the end coming. It‘s only logical, obviously. It‘s going to hurt. Oh, it‘s going to hurt. I‘m going to bawl like a baby… but I‘m going there anyway - I‘m practically running there - because this book is just sooo good. This is going to distort me… and I‘m going to deal with it, because I love Wallace, Hugo, Mei, Nelson and even Apollo.
#TJKlune #UnderTheWhisperingDoor #Wallace #Hugo #Nelson #Grandad #Mei #Apollo #BracingForTheWorst

CoffeeNBooks That was exactly how I felt when I was reading it! 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks oooooooh it‘s going to hurt, isn‘t it? I spent a good five minutes crying when I finished the Angus Browne trilogy. I could be lost forever after this one. 😣 3y
GondorGirl You are going to SOB, but it will be totally worth it! 3y
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Branwen I cried FOR HOURS after reading this one! But totally in a good way, if that makes sense! 3y
GingerAntics @GondorGirl I can feel that it‘s totally worth it. It seems like the ending is sort of obviously, but that‘s not the point at all and it doesn‘t matter either. I‘m trying to brace myself, but I don‘t have much hope for it helping. 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen I think it does, in a way. Any chance the book ends when Hugo is old and gray, and goes floating up through the door? I might be okay with that. 3y
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🤣😂🤣 This book has me in absolute stitches!!! 😂🤣😂 Valuable life lesson here: always have a backup plan if you need to yell at your ghosts, in case those peaking alive folks hear it. 🤣😂🤣
#TJKlune #UnderTheWhisperingDoor #Hugo

Scochrane26 I loved the joke about autocorrect in this scene. So hilarious 3y
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 that was brilliant!!! It took me so long to read this scene because I was laughing so hard. 🤣😂🤣💙💙💙🤣😂🤣 3y
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Lord of Light | Roger Zelazny
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A great passage from the weird but fascinating Rodger Zelazny book “Lord of Light”.

Field Notes on Love | Jennifer E. Smith
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“Once upon a time”, she says, looking straight into the camera, “my grandmother fell in love on a train”. She hesitates, taking a sharp breath. “Fifty years later, so did I.” ✨

#mae #hugo #fieldnotesonlove #love #inlove #quote

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If you are looking for a sci-fi book about an isolated person who does not rely on anyone, do not read this book. If you want to read how a group of individuals (humans/aliens/AI) end up on a spaceship and the communities they meet (not all friendly), read this amazing book! Amazing break/time read. On to the next one if this #Hugo winning series!