Finnich, my sweet kitty, how am I suppose to get my personal library room set up if you KEEP KNOCKING THE BOOKS OFF THE SHELVES.
Finnich, my sweet kitty, how am I suppose to get my personal library room set up if you KEEP KNOCKING THE BOOKS OFF THE SHELVES.
Maybe i‘ve become too impatient as a reader but i‘m past the first chapter and feeling very meh. The author is throwing a lot of exposition my way for world and character building sake, but since it isn‘t integrated into the scenes i‘m reading it doesn‘t stick.
A bit of buddhist philosophy Herbert? I wonder...
“ He has learned that it is difficult to live in the present, pointless to live in the future and impossible to live in the past.”
“When I need to identify rebels, I look for men with principles.”
I wish more authors would include food in their stories. I think it is an under used element of world building that helps to make use of the sense of taste and draw you in. Plus, fowl roasted in cumin and nuts? I mean come on that sounds delicious!
No, sorry. I hate giving up on books, especially ones that sound right up my alley. Librarian thieves stealing books from alternate dimensions? Brilliant concept. But the characters are so flat and whiney, the action scenes are interrupted by unneeded exposition and the story begins to drag early on.
I really wanted to get into this one, but it just lost me too early and my tbr is calling.
Been wanting to read something by N.K. Jemisin for a while. Pick this up on a whim at my favorite local bookstore Book No Further.
Why did I like this? I shouldn‘t have... but I did? Zelazny is better as a short story novelist for sure, he seems terrified of scene descriptors or even coherent plot structures sometimes. But his ideas are fantastic, his dialogue poetic and he isn‘t afraid to blend sci-fi and fantasy into a surreal setting.
Overall, it makes me think of future mythology and I might even read it again, now that it makes more sense.
“You would like me to strike you, wouldn‘t you, Buddha? It would make feel superior. Unfortunately, I‘m a sadist and will not do it.”
Sam laughed.
“Touché, Death,” he said.
#rogerzelazny #lordoflight
A great passage from the weird but fascinating Rodger Zelazny book “Lord of Light”.
Phew that was close, almost ran out of books to read.
Gotta start posting more, finished like three other books. Yeah this was four really great short stories. Zelazny is definitely one of the forgotten members of new wave sci-fi.
“It is anticipation and recollection that fills the heart-never the sensation of the moment.”
From The Graveyard Heart by Rodger Zelazny in the novelette collection Four for Tomorrow.
The story was a slow burn, but it never lost my interest. I am very quickly becoming a Zelazny fan!
Some great unsettling fiction. Because they‘re short stories, I would have liked to see some things expanded on, but it didn‘t ruin my enjoyment. I have seen the yellow sign and I have committed the greatest error, and read act 2.
The king in orange brushes up on The King in Yellow.
The king in yellow is really making me want to go and play Cultist Simulator again. Wouldn‘t be shocked at all if it had served as inspiration.
A Reminder: Pulp magazines are still out there, and while they may not dominate as they once did, they are a great place to discover authors. This edition and The Memorybox Vultures introduced me to Brian Trent.
Even with everything going on I still have ONE shred of sanity left. Let‘s do something about that.
It‘s an odd feeling reading about stillsuits and their importance for survival while we all should be wearing masks. I find I judge those who wear theirs improperly or even worse, forgo it entirely.
“There is no escape-we pay for the violence of our ancestors.”
Wise words for every generation.
Another christmas gift!
Got some christmas gifts!
Forgot to upload this: There was a local vintage sale and books were 25 cents a piece. I had two dollars on me and decided to select ones with covers I liked.
Oh God what am I getting myself into?
(2/2) quote:
*Women are always significantly underrepresented in secret orders.
Still on Pratchett, but it‘s nice to savor his humor. Especially in the current heat wave we‘re having. #goingpostal #helpimmelting
Life feels a little off center at the moment. Coffee and Sir Terry Pratchett should make it right with an entire fantasy book on conmen and bureaucratic nonsense. #goingpostal
A fun book my sister gave me a while back. One of these days I‘ll have to try making some of them! I might have to try the “A Confederacy of Ounces”.
I‘m biased to liking space opera so someone else may have ranked it lower. That isn‘t to say it‘s poorly written.
Chambers has a great cast of characters and some decent world building(though she is fond of info dumping). The problem is that... well... nothing of consequence really happens.
Until the last few pages, there isn‘t really a plot. It‘s like drinking a flat soda. All the flavor is there, just no pop. Still, it was a fun read.