Nothing like being able to switch to the audio version of your current read to keep the #ReadAThon ball rolling when you need to run to town on an errand! #24in48 @24in48 #Hour12Challenge
Nothing like being able to switch to the audio version of your current read to keep the #ReadAThon ball rolling when you need to run to town on an errand! #24in48 @24in48 #Hour12Challenge
I just got a new phone and can't figure out how to take screen shots. 🙄 So this is an audiobook that I own and I LOVED it! I collect all things Bronte and thoroughly enjoyed this book. Normally for my audiobooks I use #libro and #hoopla through my library. I'm a big fan of multitasking and audiobooks are perfect for that! 😁
#24in48 @24in48 #hour12challenge
I'm a bit obsessed with #audiobooks, this is just some of my #Audible collection!
They do give you a different experience than reading a book, but I have physical or e-copies of some of these books too. I loved listening to Bryan Cranston's 'A Life in Parts', & I must have listened to 11/22/63 (Stephen King) at least 7 times now!
I sometimes wonder whether I have too many books, is that even possible?..
@24in48 #24in48 #readathon #hour12challenge
Oh #24in48 ladies, how I love #audiobooks!! I had never tried one until I started on Litsy, but now I have over 350 in my #Audible library and also check ones out on #Overdrive from my local library. Here are some recent and current listens on both! I like both fiction and nonfiction.
#hour12challenge #weneeddiversebooks
Taking a break for a bit after completing 2 books for #24in48 that happen to be diverse reads. I found both to be enjoyable and enlightening.
Not quite a #shelfie but the best I can manage at the moment #24in48 #readathon #hour12challenge #selfie #mural @24in48
#Bookshelfie taken seated on landing with iPad in cramped and insufficiently lit hallway = awkward. 😂
This 3-shelf case holds non-fiction and some sci-fi, but the middle shelf is for books I think my daughter will like. She grabs a few at a time and puts them on her TBR-shelf in her room, where they remain largely unread while she reads books from the school and public library. 🙄
I know it doesn‘t look like a #bookshelfie since you can neither see books or shelves, but it‘s what I‘ve got right now. LoL All of these boxes and all the ones not pictured are filled with my books because I have been too lazy to buy and build bookshelves since moving. 🙄
#hour12challenge #bookshelfie #24in48
It's 10am in my neck of the woods and I'm still in my pj's drinking coffee and reading away. Feeling a lil shy about a selfie so here I am on my back feet against some of my book piles.