From a collection of poetry based on the reality TV show Hoarders. Each poem is a profile of one of the people on the show.
#hoard #poetrymatters @TheSpineView
From a collection of poetry based on the reality TV show Hoarders. Each poem is a profile of one of the people on the show.
#hoard #poetrymatters @TheSpineView
"...it is better to have a mouthful of poison than a secret of the heart. Any fool will spit out poison...but we #hoard these painful treasures. We swallow hard against them every day, forcing them deep inside us. They they sit, growing heavier, festering. Given enough time, they cannot help but crush the heart that holds them." #QuotsyMay18
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies…The man who never reads lives only one.”
#QuotsyMay18 | 17: #Hoard | #Tsundoku
The word #hoard tends to make me think of dragons hoarding treasure, specifically Smaug in The Hobbit and Glaurung in The Silmarillion and Children of Hurin.
#QuotsyMay18 #quote
One of the key plot points of my favourite Dickens is the possibility of a secret #hoard of riches that may or may not be hidden in the dust heaps of the late miser John Harmon. #quotsymay18 @TK-421