Day 16: #grouch
“Granny disapproved of magic for domestic purposes, but she was annoyed. She also wanted her tea. She threw a couple of logs into the fireplace and glared at them until they burst into flame out of sheer embarrassment.”
“Excuse me," said Granny, empowering the words with much the same undertones as are carried by words like ‘Charge!‘ and ‘Kill!‘, "Excuse me, but does this pointy hat I‘m wearing mean anything to you?”
#Grouch #QuotsyFeb19
🤔 “Humanity is overrated.”
😐 ”That smugness of yours really is an attractive quality.”
“Thank you. It was either that or get my hair highlighted. Smugness is easier to maintain.”
🤨 ”We were both wrong, not equally wrong. You were at least six more wronger than me.”
😧 “It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what.”
🤬 “Life is pain!”
#QuotsyFeb19 | 16: #Grouch
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