Not an exact date, yet news worthy nonetheless...
#HauntedShelf & #Spookoween.
For my book recommendation, Gothikana by RuNyx.
A bit on the too spicy side.
Read this year and the story has remained with me. Absolutely loved this book.
Not really scary, more mysterious.
The Devil's Race By Avi
Gothikana by Runyx
And Boogeyman by Jeff Mariotte. Never reviewed... should read it again to give a fresh review 🤔.
#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
When we went to Walmart a few weeks ago, the store had revamped the DVD and book selection. This was one of the goodies I discovered.
Mix of the TV show Wednesday, with equal parts Beauty and The Beast meets Dracula, and a bit of Orson Welles as Edward Rochester in the 1943 version of Jane Eyre...all of this mixed well and transformed into a uniquely original, paranormal mystery. 👇
Fell to sleep while reading this, and awoke with the song, Bring Me To Life by Evanescence blasting (not literally). I guess my subconscious has found a song match for this book 😂, and here my waking self has been considering something more classical 🤔. Been ages since listening to this...
I guess “ghost“ wins even over Batman. This book has held my interest over all other current reads...bewitching (so far)!
Already reading four books at the moment, don't need to start another book when my limit is normally three.
Then I decided to take a peek inside this beauty before adding it to my bookshelf.
I understand colors, purple invokes mystique, framed by black increases that mystery. Yet I have allowed this book to put its spell on me 🧐. 👇
#gothikanareviewedbyanncrystal (edited) 6mo
It is grand News, right! Cannot wait for this one, it is going on my short list for really must buy soon TBR list (that is a really long title for my short list LOL). 6mo
I checked it up, and it seems a whole other storyline and world. Set at a University called Mortimer. Seems to be a mystery about someone investigating their sister\'s death. It is discribed as, set in a dark academia world of secret societies, lush suspense and sizzling sensuality, and publication is expected on: April 29, 2025 6mo