Starting this for #emojiathon next #booksandbloodies
Starting this for #emojiathon next #booksandbloodies
This book is an amazing emotional rollercoaster! Only a few pages to go but I‘m terrified to know how it‘s going to wrap up...pretty sure I‘ll be destroyed one way or another. #emojiathon ✌🏾 #diversebooks #grinchathon #LongWayDown #booksinverse #readthisnow
Needed a break from all that is The Name of the Wind for something a bit lighter so I grabbed up this #ARC from #BookCon last year! Hoping to finish this today!
#EmojiAThon 🚗 (features travel)
#GrinchAThon #currentlyreading #booksandbrews
One of the six books I read this month. If you haven't read Untamed, you need to! It's a futuristic dystopian! These are the six books I used to complete six challenges for the #Emojiathon this round!
Just finished reading this over the weekend! Book 9 for #emojiathon 🤖!!!! Guys how gorgeous is this bookmark from @treehouseofbooks and even though it is for A Court Of Wings and Ruin it goes so well with this book!! 💖💖 Did y'all get any books read over the weekend?
#thesandcastleempire #kaylaolson #treehouseofbooks #heyatlascreative #bookmark #owlcrate #getoutalive #novellyyours #candle
Book 8 for #emojiathon 👭 (buddy read a book) Read with the lovely bestie @everyday_reader 💖💖 This book was so amazing! I didn't want to put it down! If you haven't read it yet you totally should!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Bookmark by @markedbymary 😍
#elizaandhermonsters #francescazappia #fivestars #buddyread #bookmark #markedbymary
Book 6 for #emojiathon 🎁 (read a book that was gifted to you) by the lovely bestie @everyday_reader 💖💖 it wasn't terrible but it wasn't my favorite I gave it a 🌟🌟🌟
Bookmark by @markedbymary 😍
#papertowns #johngreen #giftedbook #markedbymary #bookmark
Book #1 for #emojiathon 👀 (book you've been seeing everywhere) I loved this book so much!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
#heartless #marissameyer #offwithhishead #noveltyyours #paperlyandco #thatbookiebookmarks #candle
Book #4 for #emojiathon!! 📚 (freebie! Read any book) 🌟🌟🌟🌟
#macibookout #bulletproof #flickthewick #candle
Book #3 for #emojiathon 😍 (read a book you bought because of it's cover) This was my favorite book out of The Hollow series! It was so amazing and kept me coming back for more! 🌟🌟🌟🌟
#thehidden #jessicaverday #thehollowseries #sleepyhollow #fourstars