Someone is VERY against me reading today #TheWager#DavidGrann
Totally out of the norm for me, but let me say, so far, I LOVE IT! #TheWager#MaritimeAdventure#ShipwreckMutinyMurder#KillersOfTheFlowerMoon#DavidGrann
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #killersoftheflowermoon #davidgrann #bookbeast #bookjoy #Litsy #readwithme
What are you reading? 😊
Day 17 - #PurpleCover #NamasteNovember #TheDevilandSherlockHolmes #DavidGrann
The Devil and Sherlock Holmes has multiple stories and ALL TRUE except Sherlock Holmes. There's true crime, passion, and even a sea story about a man's passion on finding the largest squid. The story about Chris who perfected the perfect crime and wrote about it is superb! There's also a true story of the greatest baseball stealer ever and one you'll never forget!
Love what this woman said. It‘s perfect for this situation.
#davidgrann #killersoftheflowermoon #wordpower
Heartbreaking. I just have no other words. This gave me chills.
#davidgrann #killersoftheflowermoon #heartbreaking
If they knew, why didn‘t they investigate?! This disgusts and infuriates me.
#davidgrann #killersoftheflowermoon #fbi #fail #wtf
This is just mind blowing. This entire book is mind blowing.
#davidgrann #killersoftheflowermoon #mindblown #killerangels #humandepravity
So many deaths, every member of the remaining community is linked to someone who died during the Reign of Terror.
#davidgrann #killersoftheflowermoon #reignofterror
This just blew my mind. This is beyond heartbreaking. How can a father actively seek to kill his own children and wife? It‘s disgusting, especially when you consider that he didn‘t serve anywhere near his “life” term in prison.
#davidgrann #killersoftheflowermoon #badparenting