I enjoyed this installment much better than the last one. I like when Coyote gets involved and wreaks havoc but somehow it was the right havoc. I enjoyed Baba Yaga having an appearance and overall it did feel like a more complete story or episode.
I enjoyed this installment much better than the last one. I like when Coyote gets involved and wreaks havoc but somehow it was the right havoc. I enjoyed Baba Yaga having an appearance and overall it did feel like a more complete story or episode.
It‘s windy. life‘s chaotic, but i‘m relaxing into #hyggehour with an ebook, my blanket and Saoirse. I hope you are all getting some time to rest and relax before facing the next week.
Another win so far. I'm only on pg 298 and I just want to re-read the whole series lol
Another great installment of a favorite series. Hard to talk about as this is book 14 of the series and a lot has happened. This was a great Winter read! 4.5⭐️
The latest Mercy Thompson installment felt short while reading it and afterwards almost feels like a reset? Or maybe a deep breath before the big battle book. Anyways, I‘ve now read it twice (once with my beloved Lorelei King narration of course) and enjoyed it. A solid entry - and maybe feels like Briggs is dipping her toe into fantasy mystery??
I adored this book. Now i have to wait forever again for alpha and omega's next book. 😭
My most anticipated release of 2024.
Veta Mae read it for the Impling Summoning with the Demonology Professor at Orilium.
Did I just read 13 books in 7 days just to finish this book in like 2.5 hours? Yes I did. Do I have any regrets? No this book was excellent. I only wish there was another book waiting… I need mooooore!
And I say 7 days but I didn‘t read over the weekend or on Tuesday or Wednesday so… 3 days? Ish?
That moment when your hold for this book comes in at the library, and for the life of you, you cannot remember what happened in the last six books… or in the first four... But don‘t worry, I remember vividly books six and seven… but nothing else. Well , guess who‘s rereading 12 out of 14 books in a series, just so I can read this new one! 🙄🙄🙄