Getting ready to see Jeffrey Eugenides (my favorite author!!) speak about his new book Fresh Complaint!!! #brooklyn #brooklynbookgirl #dreams
Getting ready to see Jeffrey Eugenides (my favorite author!!) speak about his new book Fresh Complaint!!! #brooklyn #brooklynbookgirl #dreams
I went to the Brooklyn Public Library to return Commonwealth this morning, and I perused the new release section. THIS book has been on my list before it was release date, and I happily checked out the only copy! 🤗 Also, didn't the BPL look beautiful this morning? #brooklyn #brooklynbookgirl #brooklynpubliclibrary #bpl
After a late start and a trip to Trader Joe's, I'm enjoying this balmy Sunday reading my latest book checked out of the BPL. #brooklyn #brooklynpubliclibrary #brooklynbookgirl #couch #sunday
While I am super sad that I could not see @MrBook or @BookBabe today at #20/30Something book club, I am loving Puerto Rico! Picked this up in Penn Station before we headed to the airport. It's a little rainy so we are sitting in the hotel room. #puertorico #brooklyn #brooklynbookgirl #vacation
Major BOOK haul today with @BookItBilly !! All these books for under $30! #investment #personallibrary #nyc #brooklynbookgirl