I think someone at #BOTM has been very generous with releasing all of these potential future book picks. My February selection arrived only a few days ago but I'm already eager for March books!
#botmspoilers #botmspoiler
I think someone at #BOTM has been very generous with releasing all of these potential future book picks. My February selection arrived only a few days ago but I'm already eager for March books!
#botmspoilers #botmspoiler
Spoiler #4 for December BOTM 😱😱
This one sounds really interesting!
#BOTM #Spoiler #BOTMspoiler
Another #BOTM spoiler alert 😱 #BOTM #BOTMspoiler
December BOTM spoiler 😱😱
#BOTM #BOTMspoiler
BOTM Spoiler alert for December 😱😱
#BOTM #BOTMspoiler
I feel like I‘m the only one excited about the June selections. Someone please share my excitement with me. I think part of it is the season—I‘m much more inclined to pick fluffier options in the summer. I want all but Anomaly. So tell me what you‘re picking! And better yet, if you‘ve read any of these, I need reviews! 😍😍 #BOTM #botmspoiler
Mornin!! #botm #botmspoiler