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Here are the confirmed December #botm picks

What will you get?

#botmspoilers #bookofthemonth

Lovesbooks87 I read The Holiday Swap today so I need to look into the other picks and see what I may want. 3y
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#BOTM #BOTMspoilers

I believe the top 5 are the main picks and then the first 4 in the bottom section are the add-ons for May. It also looks like they will go live today.

Beachesnbooks thanks for posting! looks like some intriguing ones i'll have to look up 🤔 3y
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The Prophets | Robert Jones Jr.
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Sorry that the bottom book got cut off - BotM is allowing FOUR books this month bc of the free book of the year add-on. 🤩 I'm stoked because I only had to pay for one of them and I got free pins because someone used my coupon code.

BotM is really stepping up their game. If anyone wants to sign up, here is a code for you to use that helps both of us. 😊👉 https://www.mybotm.com/qivod2fo7pq?show_box=true

Branwen I was excited about the 4 books too! 3y
MartinaLove I wish they would deliver to Canada. I heard great things about the company. They have a great selection too 3y
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Jemgirl2014 How'd you get the pins?! I want some! 3y
Jemgirl2014 Oh, I can't read lol. Because someone used your code. Great! Now I need to find someone to share a code with haha! 3y
vivastory Thanks a bunch for posting this! I had a botm account. I've had one for a few years but I goofed when I picked my box & forgot to add the new Jane Harper. So I was able to use your link & get it for 5$. 3y
Rachel.Rencher @vivastory Hey, that's awesome! Thanks so much. 🤗💕 3y
Rachel.Rencher @Jemgirl2014 Haha! That was the December promo I guess. This month is a free book & an entry into their merch raffle. You can always buy BotM merch on their site, though! 3y
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Ties That Tether | Jane Igharo
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𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕙

Do you have a book box subscription? Which one(s)?

It's that time of month again where we make our prediction for next month's @bookofthemonth selections


Ties That Tether by @jane_igharo was a pick this month and hopefully they will have some awesome, diverse selection next month!

#bookofthemonthpicks #botm #botmspoilers

8little_paws I love reading your guesses. Even if they aren't picks you get good books on my radar. I was sad to see Ring Shout wasn't a pick last month--I heard about it from you! Well I guess I should go put it on hold at the library :) 4y
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Alright everyone! Emily and I have put together our guesses for the June 2020 @bookofthemonth picks.


Feel free to share this post and subscribe to our blog if you love what we do!

#bookofthemonth #botm #botmpredictions#botmspoilers

Cinfhen Woohoo!!! Can‘t wait to check out your picks!!!!!! 4y
Megabooks Just saw their post on Instagram and commented on the website! @Cinfhen thanks!! (edited) 4y
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Cinfhen Here you go @Hooked_on_books ♥️ 4y
swishandflick Ooh, I really hope you're right about the new Brit Bennett! 🤞🏽 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks The clues were so hard this month!! I am fairly confident about Bennett and Sager Bing picks though. 4y
JamieArc I‘m trying not to get my hopes up too high that Mexican Gothic is a pick 🤞🏻 4y
Beachesnbooks Thanks for posting! I'm crossing my fingers for the Renee Ahdieh sequel. Interested in Stray and Dani Brown too 4y
The_Heeler_Booklife I‘m going with Sager! Also, I love that you do this. I always stalk the tag for this. 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks @The_Heeler_Booklife thank you! We love doing it! It's a lot of fun. 4y
Reviewsbylola Ooooh off to check now! 4y
Reviewsbylola I‘m really wishing they would stop with all the Sager books. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Not too impressed with these titles and would probably either skip or pick the Bennett. 4y
Reviewsbylola I was also reallllllllly hoping for Rodham. Maybe July? 🤞🏻 4y
TheLibrarian Ooo I hope some of your guesses are right. I‘ve been looking forward to the new Sager and Bennet. Plus Mexican Gothic and A Burning have been on my list. Haven‘t heard of The Patient yet but it sounds good! 4y
8little_paws @reviewsbylola I think they said at some point that Riley Sager is their top seller author so I doubt they'll stop carrying that author. I've read I think one book by him, it was alright but not like mindblowing imo. 4y
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Untamed | Glennon Doyle

We're coming at you once again with our most popular post of the month: our At A Glance post for May's @bookofthemonth selections. We wade through countless reviews, read excerpts and distill it down into a single paragraph for your ease and convenience, so you can spend less time researching and more time reading!


#botm #botmspoilers #bookofthemonth

The_Heeler_Booklife I think I‘ll go with A Good Marriage. I already have an arc for The Boyfriend Project. Thanks for the spoilers. :) 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks @The_Heeler_Booklife I'm leaning towards that one too! I want to read samples before I decide. 4y
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Devolution | Max Brooks
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Well it's that time of the month again when we make our #botm predictions for May.

It looks like there will be extra books to pick from next month and we are so excited!


Check out our guesses (which we think we nailed) and let us know what you'll be picking in the comments!

Oh and tag your friends!

#botmspoilers #bookofthemonthspoilers #bookofthemonth #botm

Thousand-Lives I was hoping for All Adults Here! 👏 4y
BookwormAHN I'm looking forward to 4y
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8little_paws Definetly getting the Emma Straub and perhaps the Max Brooks as an add on for my husband. Trying to burn through my credits! 4y
Cinfhen Thanks for the tag ♥️😘♥️😘 tagging some #BOTM friends @Megabooks @Reviewsbylola @MicheleinPhilly @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 4y
Cinfhen I want SO MANY!!!! Great sleuthing and decoding!!!!! 🙌🏻 what are you must looking forward to??? 4y
The_Heeler_Booklife I love when I see your posts! I‘m thinking of either skipping or going for The Boyfriend Project. 4y
MicheleinPhilly @Cinfhen Thanks love! 4y
AmyG Thanks for the heads up @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I commented over on their website. Of the 8, there are at least three I want!! 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks @Cinfhen I am excited about The Boyfriend Project, Devolution and maybe A Good Marriage 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks I am now thoroughly convinced that Happy And You Know It by Laura Hankin fits the clue for Staying Home With the Moms. 4y
Reviewsbylola Thanks for the tag @cinfhen. Definitely excited about Devolution (and Brian loves Max Brooks so he‘ll read it too!) and the Emma Straub. 4y
Cinfhen Same @Reviewsbylola I‘m also curious about this one and will probably add it (edited) 4y
Skyrimir Would love the Max Brooks one as an option! 4y
Laalaleighh I read y‘alls blog religiously!!! Super excited for this months picks! They all look so interesting! That being said- are they just done with YA? Do you think? 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks @Laalaleighh haha we do our best! I know they stopped the YA subscription. I think they might have an YA extra every now and then but I think it wasn't as successful as they wanted it to be. 4y
Laalaleighh Thanks for answering me! That‘s too bad I really looked forward to their picks. 4y
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I was in the library today and sneezed (yay Spring allergies) and I was just waiting for someone to kick me out. But they didn't so that's nice.

Also exciting, clues for the April @bookofthemonth picks showed up today and we are stoked! Check out our guesses and let us know your thoughts in the comments.


#botm #botmspoilers

swishandflick I hope you're right about Beach Read!! That's been on my radar 😆 4y
Hooked_on_books Oh man, if you‘re right, I‘m going to have trouble choosing. I want 4 of these! 4y
The_Heeler_Booklife Yay, I‘ve been looking for your post for a while! Glad it is finally here. The Guest List sounds really good. I probably will pick that or Beach Read. 4y
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JamieArc If the clues are right, I‘m in trouble. I had three of them already marked as to-read, and they all look interesting to me (which rarely happens)! 4y
TheNerdyProfessor The only one that speaks to me is Valentine 😕 I'm not much of a historical fiction or romance reader. 4y
8little_paws @thenerdyprofessor ditto, I'm not really feeling any of these choices. 4y
BookwormAHN I'm leaning towards The Library of Legends and The Paris Hours 😸 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks @BookwormAHN Library of Legends sounds really good! 4y
Skyrimir Ohhh! I hope The Guest List is one. Seems right up my alley. 4y
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Well here are our guesses for March's @bookofthemonth picks. We are feeling extremely confident about these so check them out and let us know what you think!



#botm #botmspoilers

Brewychock48 Even if the guesses are wrong, hopefully they won't be, I am putting them on my tbr list. All sound so good. 4y
ShyBookOwl 🤣🤣🤣 buying vs reading... yeah. Hence why I have multiple copies of the same books. 4y
Cinfhen Thanks for the tag!!! You‘re the BESTEST!!!!!! Going to check out the scoop 🥳 4y
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Cinfhen Ohhhh, some good titles!!! And great clue solving 4y
Beachesnbooks Very interested in the Lily King book, I hope you're right!! 4y
8little_paws Oh interesting! I“ll get the Larson I think. I've never read him besides Devil and the White City, and I feel like I should, seeing how I love nonfiction books. 4y
The_Heeler_Booklife I‘m really hoping for the Two Lives of Lydia Bird 4y
Geenie 🤣🤣 4y
Beachesnbooks Any ideas about the YA picks for March? 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks @Beachesnbooks so the only YA titles are Havenfall and The Kingdom of Back. They YA subscription is going away and being absorbed back into the main sub. There still might be YA extras but there isn't going to be a separate subscription anymore. 4y
Beachesnbooks @stuck.in.the.stacks Oh wow I hadn't heard! I guess the YA subscription must not have been popular enough? Thanks for the info!! 4y
stuck.in.the.stacks @Beachesnbooks yeah not sure but that's what it sounds like. 4y
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Ink in the Blood | Kim Smejkal
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I'm not the only one who heard Hagrid's voice when I read that right...

We're sharing our break down of the @yasofthemonth February picks. We wade through counts synopsis, reviews, and a handful of excerpts so you don't have too!

Check out the forthcoming picks and let us know which title you want to add to your box!


#botmya #botm #botmspoilers