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Silence of the Lambs | Thomas Harris
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The Silence of the Lambs is one of my all-time favorite movies. It‘s a masterpiece in my personal opinion. People like Hannibal Lecter are way scarier to me than most supernatural horror movies because they‘re so disturbingly real. I finally bit the bullet and started the book series. Red Dragon was great. This book was hard to put down, but through most of it I was thinking it‘s one of those rare instances where the movie is slightly better ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Than the book. That is, until I got to the last 150 pages or so. I was going to go to sleep around 3:30 this morning but the book was nagging at me to read it (I had 200ish pages left). I told myself, ok, I‘ll just read a few chapters. Next thing I know it‘s 6:30 in the morning and I‘m finishing the book. Apologies for the longwindedness, but this book was so effing good!! If I had never seen the movie I would have been completely on the edge ⬇️ 3y
JenlovesJT47 Of my seat! Of course, we get a lot more backstory in the book, and getting into the various characters‘ thoughts really adds a lot to it. All this to say, if you like thrillers/horror, PLEASE read this book. Imo, Dr. Lecter is the scariest movie villain of all time, and I‘m already about to dive into book 3, Hannibal. Excited about it since I haven‘t seen the last two movies. 5+⭐️! #horror #thriller #booksintomovies 3y
Bklover I remember LOVING this book, and I read it before the movie. May be time for a reread! 3y
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JenlovesJT47 @Bklover you should!! It‘s so good. Are you into audiobooks? I just looked this up on Audible and the great Frank Muller narrates it and it has rave reviews. I‘m going to wait a few months and give it a listen. The reviews are so good that I went ahead and bought it anyway! 😆 Such a great book! 🤗❤️ 3y
Clare-Dragonfly This series is great. I still haven‘t read the 4th book because they‘re so scary I need a very long wait between books! 3y
JenlovesJT47 @Clare-Dragonfly Hannibal is SO disturbing! The movie is so great and while Buffalo Bill is terrifying, there‘s something about Hannibal, especially in the one scene with the cops (you know the one!😳) that just freaks me out so much no matter how many times I see it. And reading it was a whole nother level of disturbing! 😱 I got 6 chapters into Hannibal last night and I‘m already hooked. I‘m excited since I‘m going into it blind. Have you ⬇️ 3y
JenlovesJT47 Watched the show? I can‘t help but picture Jodie Foster as Clarice while reading Hannibal and I‘m disappointed she‘s not in the movie. I‘ve heard the show is very good, I plan on watching it after I finish all the books. 😳 3y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘ve never seen the show or the movie but I‘ve seen a lot about the show on Tumblr 😆 3y
KaylaCReviews I watched the Silence of the Lambs movie before reading the book, too. Oddly, I liked Hannibal's character more in the book, but Christine's character more in the movie. I think Jodie Foster brought something to the role that the character in the book just didn't have, but I can't figure out what. 😅 3y
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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood | Quentin Tarantino
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I might be biased because I‘m a huge fan of Sharon Tate, and I absolutely love the movie Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. I jumped to buy this when I saw QT made a novelization based on the movie. I‘d recommend watching the movie first because there are spoilers in the book and it‘s not told in a linear timeline. But I loved this! There are tons of new and expanded scenes in the book and it really does transport you back to the late 60s. We learn ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Tons more backstory on Cliff Booth and Rick Dalton. I especially love how much detail it goes into about Rick‘s TV pilot for the fictional western Lancer, and I really wish it were a real show. Overall, if you enjoy the movie then I believe you will like the book. It‘s a great snapshot of the 60s and I love the new bits about Sharon Tate. I wish QT would write more books like this! He even published it straight to a mass market paperback ⬇️ 3y
JenlovesJT47 Reminiscent of the era, including advertisements at the end of the book for books that came out in 1969. 5⭐️ Highly recommended! 3y
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jdiehr I just loved this book! And the ads in the back - such a great finishing touch 3y
JenlovesJT47 @jdiehr yes!! I confess I bought the kindle edition the day it came out because I was too impatient to wait for the book in the mail! 😆 But I‘ll definitely be adding the physical book to my collection ASAP. I really wanted the audiobook but the reviews for the narrator were terrible, which is a huge bummer. Maybe they‘ll get a new one some day. ❤️ 3y
TieDyeDude Nice. I didn't realize this was out 3y
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Where the Heart Is | Billie Letts
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I love this movie and just realized it was based on a book. Novalee just had her baby in a Walmart and is in the hospital. I dunno if it‘s cause it‘s late and I‘m super tired, but I just laughed like an idiot for 5 minutes straight after reading this part. 😂😂😂 The next paragraph is even worse lol.


GingerAntics I‘ve read one of Letts‘s other books and adored it. 4y
KathyWheeler I really liked this book. 4y
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The Greatest Gift: A Christmas Tale | Philip Van Doren Stern
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It‘s A Wonderful Life is hands down my favorite Christmas movie. The colorized version is a must see btw! This short story is the basis for the film and is quite enjoyable. So thankful this little story was written and inspired such a great movie with a great message. No man is poor who has friends! 5⭐️


26 points

Clwojick ⭐ ❤Way to go! 🌲 🎉 4y
kspenmoll I love this movie too & watch it every year.❤️🎄 4y
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Buechersuechtling What a coincidence. I just yesterday started listening to the audiobook. I think I‘ll save me the trailer you posted for when I‘m through. 5y
WJCintron @Buechersuechtling 👍👍😃 hope you like it. Towards the middle it gets a little bit slow but then it takes off and it's great! Let me know if you liked it!! 5y
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Am I the only one NOT enjoying the HBO adaptation of this? While reading the books, I found the characters to be intense - not necessarily sullen, unhappy, and robotic. #booksintomovies 📚 into 🎥

Jinjer I haven‘t read the books yet, but...wow...The little girls are a MILLION times better actors than the older girls. Episode 3 was boring and...weird. 6y
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Well, I have 6 more books to read and then #litsyatoz2018 is, shall we say, in the books? 📚For “K” I am reading Ira Levin‘s first book, A KISS Before Dying, which was made into a movie in the 50s and the remade in the 90s. #booksintofilm #booksintomovies

Alive | Piers Paul Read
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My Litsy A to Z challenge is Books into Movies. Here are my standings thus far. #litsyatoz #litsyatoz2018 #booksintomovies

The Color of Money | Walter Tevis
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Keeping the #booksintomovies streak alive. Gotta read Color of Money after The Hustler. It‘s a moral imperative. #litsyatoz

The Birds and Other Stories | Daphne Du Maurier
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The Birds is my favorite Hitchcock movie and I've always wanted to read the book. It's on sale right now for $2.99! 🐦🦅🐦🦅🐦


IamIamIam I never knew it was a story!!!! Hitch was quite a fan of duMaurier, huh???? Lol, enjoy and thanks for the info!! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @IamIamIam lol yep! I love Rebecca (the movie) and still have never read it, shame on me! Have you ever read Marnie? It's not written by du Maurier but if you like Hitch's movie (one of my faves!) it is definitely worth reading. It is set in the U.K. instead of the states so it completely changes the storyline. 6y
IamIamIam HAHA, no I didn't know Marnie was a book either! D'oh! Lol, I'll definitely put it on my radar now, though!!! 😁 6y
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JenlovesJT47 @IamIamIam while you're at it I would recommend reading Psycho if you haven't already! Most if not all of Hitch's movies are based on books. He actually bought up all of the copies of Psycho during filming of the movie so the ending wouldn't be spoiled. 😅 6y
IamIamIam Omigosh, I believe it! I think we have Psycho but I just haven't read it. I also got this ages ago as a gift & haven't done any more than skim it. Guess I'll have to dig it out again! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @IamIamIam ooh this looks good, I added it to my TBR! 6y
IamIamIam We should do a buddy read. Lol, I'm sure it's got tons of info! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @IamIamIam I would definitely be down for that! Have you ever read the Truffaut book? I saw a documentary about it and it looks amazing, I bought it with my Christmas money but haven't gotten around to it yet. 6y
IamIamIam NO!!!! My dad absolutely LOVES Truffaut so thanks for the father's day gift idea!!!! 😂 I'll have to get 2 copies!!! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @IamIamIam you're welcome! 😅 on the documentary I saw, it was hours of Truffaut interviewing Hitch, so it was very interesting! Both geniuses of their craft in their own rights imo. Can't wait to read it! 6y
Carolyn11215 I had no idea she had written The Birds. Movie scared me so much as a kid I refused to watch any other Hitchcock until I was in my late 20s/early 30s! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Carolyn11215 The Birds is one of my favorite movies but I didn't start watching Hitchcock movies until I was in my late teens so it didn't scare me too much. But my mom said the same thing, it scared her to death and she refuses to watch it again. 😅 (edited) 6y
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