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Where the Heart Is | Billie Letts
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I love this movie and just realized it was based on a book. Novalee just had her baby in a Walmart and is in the hospital. I dunno if it‘s cause it‘s late and I‘m super tired, but I just laughed like an idiot for 5 minutes straight after reading this part. 😂😂😂 The next paragraph is even worse lol.


GingerAntics I‘ve read one of Letts‘s other books and adored it. 4y
KathyWheeler I really liked this book. 4y
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Ready for a scary read, some late night journaling and some yummy tea in my cool tea tumbler from @Ajessgirl . Happy reading everyone! Can‘t wait to see what everyone gets in their Halloween swaps. 🤓



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Getting some rare and much needed reading time while everyone else is asleep! I read throughout the day when I can but almost never get to stay up late reading anymore. Looking forward to this lovely that I got from @Ajessgirl ! 🤗 #litsomnia

LeslieO So many people mention this a a favorite. 6y
LeslieO Wait, what is that? A Neil Gaiman bookmark? 6y
JenlovesJT47 @LeslieO yes!!! I bought one for a friend and just had to get one for myself. 😬 I ❤️ NG! 6y
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MommyWantsToReadHerBook Enjoy this gorgeous book! 6y
Louise This is such a powerful book! 6y
Ajessgirl You are in for such a treat!! 6y
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Yay, it‘s here a day early! I feel a bit of #litsomnia coming on, I can‘t wait to read this! 💚


Jennick2004 Oh my goodness what a reading partner! 💙 6y
kylienoele He is PRECIOUS 😍 6y
thereadingowlvina Aww ... 😍 6y
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CouronneDhiver 😍😍😍 6y
rustoryhuf He has the biggest eyes. Such a doll baby. 6y
Gissy I just love these picture with this prince on them! So cute! 😍❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Clare-Dragonfly Oh my gosh, I‘m also reading this book with a baby boy by my side! How old is yours? Mine just turned three months. 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Clare-Dragonfly he is 8 weeks old today! How are you liking the book? I finished it last night, thought it was excellent. 👌🏻 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Gissy thank you!! 🤗💚 6y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m only about 20% through, but it‘s really good! 6y
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The Broken Girls | Simone St James
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I'm sorry for the spammage about this book but I was about to attempt to get up and go to bed (I feel as big as a house these days and getting up is not easy!😅), and I saw Marnie here looking so adorable sprawled out on my book and had to take a picture. Hope everyone gets a good night's sleep, wish me luck in getting off the couch! 😂 #catsoflitsy #Marnie #botm #litsyafterdark #litsomnia 😴😴😴

mabell So sweet! 😻 7y
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I think this might surpass volume one as my favorite in the series so far! It's 3 in the morning but I had to finish it before I went to sleep. I love learning the backstory and history of how the keys were made, especially the parts about Rendell Locke and his friends. Can't wait to see how it all ends! 5⭐️ #graphicnovel #joehill #horror #litsomnia #litsyafterdark


JoeStalksBeck ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
JenlovesJT47 @JoeStalksBeck what's your favorite Joe Hill book? I'm going to take a wild guess and say NOS4A2 but I could be wrong! 😅I've only read Locke and Key and Horns but I really like him, can't wait to read Heart-Shaped Box! I got the audiobook of NOS4A2 and listened to a little bit so far, Kate Mulgrew is an excellent narrator! Do you subscribe to the NRB? 7y
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The Light Between Oceans | M. L. Stedman
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Man. This is brutal. Not crying though. It‘s outside my usual material though. #litsyafterdark #litsomnia

My procedure is tomorrow. Fortunately I can eat before it so Mom is taking me to lunch.

Christine11 I loved this book 😊 good luck with your procedure! (edited) 7y
kricheal I think I felt every emotion while reading this book! 7y
BookwormM Good luck with your procedure 7y
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New favs. I need this book and these #funkopops
Thanks @hermyknee I would never have found out about these DC Bombshells if not for your post.
I‘m also now obsessed with collected all the mini villains.

readinginthedark Ooh! I want that top one! 😍 6y
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