Three YA books I read and enjoyed, so need to catch up on films. But finding time is hard - watching equals no reading.... #bookstofilms #everythingeverything #beforeifall
Three YA books I read and enjoyed, so need to catch up on films. But finding time is hard - watching equals no reading.... #bookstofilms #everythingeverything #beforeifall
This was my #Augusttbr post
Here's my update. ✅ = completed reads & 🔵 = reads currently in progress.
I've also completed several books that weren't on my #tbr for the month.
Here is my #2ndList of books to be read in #August 📚The only book I currently own is #TheHandmaidsTale by #MargretAtwood. IQ is my August #WhoDunItByMail book. #BeforeIFall is this month's #BookToScreen pick hosted by @MinDea 🤗 and also my pick for #WildestDreams 😴
#BackToReading - #MostAnticipated
#AndItsAugust - #AugustMostAnticipated
#BooksAcrossOceans - #AugustTBR
#AugustLibrary17 - #TBR
#AugustGrrrl - #WildestDreams
Here is my short list of books to be read in #August 📚The only books I own from this list are: #EveryLastLie and #AllTheUglyAndWonderfulThings (#BookClubPick). I also plan to read #TheHandmaidsTale (not featured above) for my other bookclub (#AlphaGammaDelaAlumBookClub). I'm excited both bookclubs chose books I own!
#BackToReading - #MostAnticipated
#AndItsAugust - #AugustMostAnticipated
#BooksAcrossOceans - #AugustTBR
#AugustLibrary17 - #TBR
I need help/opinions what should I read next #BeforeIFall (before I fall) OR #TheLongestRide (The longest ride) OR #RoyceRolls (Royce Rolls)
⭐️⭐️-So I read this book last month. To be completely honest my expectations were no where near met. I wanted so much more from this book but instead got an awful main character a rushed ending and nothing that really intrigued me by the story. I didn't like this book but I didn't hate it either. #beforeifall #laurenoliver #bookreview #2stars #badbooks•
#newbooks #hygee #cozy #bookworm #bibliophile #bookishmom #momswhoread #TNReads
I think it was an interesting commentary on society and life, but the ending was oddly abrupt. As a whole, I enjoyed the book and how the characters developed!
Full review: https://betweenprintedpages.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/review-before-i-fall/
#bookishlove #goodreads #beforeifall #laurenoliver #succulent #review
What's one book you read this year that stood out to you?
For me, it would have to be Before I Fall. I have never read a book that discussed death the way this one did.
#book #beforeifall #reading #reader #bookandcandle