Fairytales, badass broads, and Alix E. Harrow? Hell yes. 🙌🏻💖👍🏻 #aspindlesplintered #alixeharrow #sleepingbeauty #fairytales #fairytalesreimagined #badassheroines
Fairytales, badass broads, and Alix E. Harrow? Hell yes. 🙌🏻💖👍🏻 #aspindlesplintered #alixeharrow #sleepingbeauty #fairytales #fairytalesreimagined #badassheroines
I couldn't think of better #badassheroines for today's @bookriot #riotgrams prompt than Dorothy Vaughan, Katherine Johnson, and Mary Jackson - the brilliant scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and civil rights pioneers featured in the book and movie HIDDEN FIGURES
Verity Price comes from a family of cryptozoologists. She lives in New York and is trying to take care that no magical creatures are harmed by humans. Or vice versa. She is very bad-ass. She's also the current high-priestess of the Aeslin mice, which are definitely worth the price of admission! She can also do a helluva tango. #badassheroines #riotgrams
#riotgrams #badassheroines Here is a whole book of Badass Heroines
100 stories of badass historical and mythical women from all around the world, most of whom you've never heard of.
When I think of #badassheroines Zoey Redbird from the House of Night series comes to mind... She is strong woman and fights for what she believes in!
So today's #WithLoveBerkley is #badassheroines and I was gonna chose Carla Anderson from MLBuchman's "target engaged" but the cover was of the Hero. instead I chose a real live badass heroine author. #shepersisted
my favorite of all #badassheroines would have to be Flavia De Luce. smart, sassy, and precocious, I love this girl (did I mention she's only 11 in the first book??) and this series! pictured above are the first and the most recent in the series.
#seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading
Alright, I know she's got her problems, but Scarlett O'Hara is, inarguably, one of the most #badassheroines ever written. I love this book: pictured is the first, beat-up copy I got in high school when this was assigned reading for AP US History and the perfect condition "anniversary edition" I found at a local used bookstore, Bookhaven, for $6.50. #seasonsreadings2016