So today's #WithLoveBerkley is #badassheroines and I was gonna chose Carla Anderson from MLBuchman's "target engaged" but the cover was of the Hero. instead I chose a real live badass heroine author. #shepersisted
So today's #WithLoveBerkley is #badassheroines and I was gonna chose Carla Anderson from MLBuchman's "target engaged" but the cover was of the Hero. instead I chose a real live badass heroine author. #shepersisted
I don't really do a monthly TBR but I do track my preorders to make sure I don't forget to read them. #WithLoveBerkley day 7 #februarytbr looking forward to all of these.
#WithLoveBerkley #bromance Jameson Kane aka Satan and his man at arms Sanders. Sanders is my favourite secondary character ever (followed closely by Christina Lauren's Not-Joe). I've admired every book Stylo Fantome has put out and hope she never stops.
#WithLoveBerkley day 5 #sportsromances. I have a goodreads shelf for sports romances. It's one of my favs #romantsy
#WithLoveBerkley #redpinkcovers from one of the many piles of unread books around the house. I think i'm going to challenge myself to read a minimum of two physical books for every one e-book this month.
Given that the US premiere is tonight and this beauty popped up on my kindle. #withloveberkley I read this in one day. In fact until January I regularly read a book a day, but I'm so overwhelmed with all the news and views that my reading has slowed down as I try to keep up with everything else.