Finished 2 Books in my Audible #BackLog
Listening to #AsYouWish, couldn‘t bring myself to finish Lily Bennett‘s Bucket List (life‘s too short for mediocre romance novels), and still accumulating a #bookspin #backlog
#WinterReadathon #BookNookBuddies2022 #SeriesReads #BookSpinBingo #HolidayReads #ReadMyRoom #PenniesPerPage
Gonna start my holiday reads off this week with one of these (1 ebook & 1 physical) #Backlog books are accounted for & on hand for easy picking.
I think, I‘ve got myself organized now…I think🙄🤣
Time seems to be flying by leaving me bereft of almost all emotions more times than I‘ll ever admit. Thankfully books are a comfort & joy🤓📚♥️
#WinterReadathon #BookNookBuddies2022 #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo #ReadMyRoom #ImpulseReads #SeriesReads
More about my TBR:
- Read lots of my #BookSpin list books
- Start the Kat Martin series & the shown Holiday theme books (these are just the two I borrowed from hubby‘s shelves)
- Reach/Surpass my ‘22 GR Reading Challenge Goal
- Read at least 2 #Backlog books
- Finish ‘The Executioner‘
- start an #ImpulseRead or two
#bookspin and #doublespin
I‘m excited! One fairly new #BOTM and one for the #backlog!
This was a bit confusing with many different points of view. It's labelled as romance, but somehow the story was more about family problems rather than the second chance love story it's hailed as.
#NetGalley #ARC
July 2019
In the midst of organizing and decluttering, I realized I have a lot of Owlcrate backlog books. (How many? 37 unread Owlcrate books! 😳) I arranged them from oldest to newest and the goal is to get through 19 of them before 2020, either by finishing or DNF-ing them.
August #BOTM haul! Got a big carried away, considering I still have quite a #backlog 🤷🏻♀️ I admit it - I have a problem! 📚💚 #addicted #toomanybookstoolittletime