Next reading project, c/o @kgriffith #annamariemclemore #whenthemoonwasours #nextbook
Next reading project, c/o @kgriffith #annamariemclemore #whenthemoonwasours #nextbook
Happy New Year! I'm a mood reader so I normally just go with flow and whatever book strikes my fancy I'll read. I'm sure I won't read these soon but I do hope to read them sometime this year!
#threedarkcrowns #kendareblake #wildbeauty #annamariemclemore #book #books #yabooks #bookworm #booklion #booknerd #bibliophile #booklover #bookaddict #bookish #bookaholic #ilovebooks #ilovereading #booklove #vscobooks #vscoreads #bookstagram #bookstagrammer
I hope everyone has finished wrapping presents and spending the rest of the day relaxing!
{{#annamariemclemore #maggiestiefvater #aghoward #nancywerlin #book #books #yabooks #bookworm #booklion #booknerd #bibliophile #booklover #bookaddict #booknerdigans #totalbooknerd #bookish #bookaholic #ilovebooks #ilovereading #booklove #vscobooks #vscoreads #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram}}
Beautiful inside and out, you should pick up #WildBeauty by #AnnaMarieMcLemore STAT.
#magicalrealism #ownvoices #diversebooks #ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
I've been T E R R I B L E at posting on here (whoopsies) but I hope everyone's doing well!
Current read?
#wildbeauty #annamariemclemore #ya #youngadult
When you look down and realize you match your book and your book sleeve!
#wildbeauty #annamariemclemore #matching #booksleeve #florals
A book I'm ashamed I haven't read even though it was the book of the month for my book club 🙊👀 But this dedication is my all time favorites!! 💕
#becauseofreading #bibliophile #book #bookaddict #bookish #booklove #booklover #booklovers #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookphotography #books #bookstagram #bookworm #epicreads #fiercereads #goodreads #igbooks #ilovebooks #instabook #instabooks #whenthemoonwasours #annamariemclemore
Here's another I'm highly anticipating this year! Have you guys heard of it?
#wildbeauty #flatlay #annamariemclemore #tbr #mustread #goodreads #booksandflowers
Love this book! Absolutely stunning writing and characters. I won't be forgetting the story of Sam and Miel anytime soon. Would recommend to magical realism fans and lovers of candy-in-your-mouth prose. #magicalrealism #ya #annamariemclemore #lgbt #transgender #lgbtq