My new Primark Harry Potter mug is BEAUTIFUL! ❤️
My new Primark Harry Potter mug is BEAUTIFUL! ❤️
Because some days Harry Potter needs a shoutout! ❤️
I'm currently reading Flame in the Mist (while being in the solicitation process and finishing up my thesis) and so far I'm really enjoying it! I'm pretty damn tired, but I need a few more days and then I'll be on summer break (can't wait!)
What are you currently reading?
This print by @TJLubrano is the other print I ordered! Isn't it gorgeous? I have so much love for the ACoTaR series and I just had to have this lovely print for my collection ❤️
My Alice in Wonderland print from TJ Lubrano arrived! Seriously, she's so talented! This print is so gorgeous and I can't wait to find a frame for it to hang it on my wall! ❤️
All you fantasy lovers out there, rejoice! Roar is everything you need in an book and more. A complex and layered plot that is really REALLY well-done. Cora Carmack created a world that is rich and unique, a fantasy realm unlike any I've read before, with great characters! My full review is up on my blog now!
"You are lightning made flesh. Colder than falling snow. Unstoppable as the desert sands riding the wind. You are Stormling, Aurora Pavan. Believe it" (Roar - Cora Carmack).
Roar is such a good read! For real it jumped right to number one as favorite book of the year. If you like fantasy and want a unique and vivid read, this book should be your next priority! ❤️
"The memory of how he felt when he cared about her was going to be the most painful thing after he began to hate her" (Ruined - Amy Tintera).
I still remember that quote from Ruined, I was such a good read! I got Avenged last week and can't wait to read it, although I want to reread Ruined first so I'll remember the details of the first story!
#booknerd #catsandbooks #books #booksandnature #newbooks #amytintera #ruined #bibliophile #bookworm