A set of creepy books for my class shelves! I‘m filled with new found energy as we make our way to spring break.
A set of creepy books for my class shelves! I‘m filled with new found energy as we make our way to spring break.
1. I can‘t remember, so I guess it‘s been a while. 🤷🏻♀️
2. I‘ll take a book a lot of places, but maybe not to an amusement park.
2.5 Hide must be the third or fourth book by Kiersten White that I have read. And while the book is OK, I‘m always left feeling that way by her books. This is her first adult novel. Adults are lured into a game of hide and seek that it turns out to be deadly. This does have fantastic horror elements, which do make sense but still seems to be missing something. This book is on the shorter side, it‘s only 235 pages but is so slow. It feels like it‘s
This was a fun, suspense horror. Kiersten White, who is an amazing epic YA/teen author, is branching out into adult dark fantasy horror. In Hide, a group of greedy and financially strapped contestants enter a 'hide and seek' contest in an abandoned amusement park for one week for a huge cash prize. The only thing they're not aware of is that they're playing a real game of survival as a feral, evil entity is stalking them. A page turner!
Ahead of us, one of the girls on the bus was telling her friend that she‘d sat near me on the bus—
the cute boy who was in the newspaper.
I smiled. So far, things at school were off to a pretty good start. I sure hoped they‘d stay that way.
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