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Cooking for Picasso | C A Belmond, Camille Aubray
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Madame Sylvie
Celine does CPR
Honestly everything but the kitchen sink plot

AmyG Oy, indeed. WTF was the point of the CPR on his kid???? It was ridiculous. 4mo
CoffeeNBooks I feel like author had a list of things she wanted to include (or maybe it was a dare from someone to include these random things 😆), and she had to figure out how/where to put them in the plot. Or she had other storylines in mind and forgot about them or ran out of time to include them. 🙄 4mo
Librarybelle @AmyG Other than to make Gil fall in love with Celine quickly??? It‘s a good question! 4mo
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TheBookHippie @CoffeeNBooks A DARE!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 4mo
Karisa I was listening on audiobook for this last part and must‘ve missed this. So easy to get distracted by someone asking a question or doze off with an audiobook. CPR on Martin then?! Oh my! WTH! 😅 4mo
Karisa Madame Sylvie was kinda fun. I like a good supernatural moment with room to wonder as long as they don‘t oversell it. 🔮😜 4mo
Karisa @CoffeeNBooks 🤔 That must happen sometimes. I‘d totally sneak in things to amuse myself if I was an author 😂 4mo
mcctrish @Karisa I liked Madame Sylvie too and @CoffeeNBooks I think it‘s more a case of graphing out the story and all the possibilities and not being willing to cut any ( and the editor having no spine) 4mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish I blame the editor!!! It‘s literally their job!!! 4mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa oh I would sneak in Easter eggs for sure! 4mo
IndoorDame @CoffeeNBooks a dare would be too funny 😂😂👏👏 4mo
IndoorDame @mcctrish totally the editor‘s fault! If the author can‘t self edit that‘s what they‘re there for! 4mo
Karisa @IndoorDame @TheBookHippie @mcctrish They should hire us all to group edit. We‘d manage their mischief 😂 4mo
IndoorDame Madam Sylvie was such an odd choice. Actually running around based off of visions and having them sort of pan out in a story with zero spiritual/supernatural undertones makes me question Celine and the author a tad… 4mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa agree. ♥️🎉 4mo
AmyG @Librarybelle I thought that, too…Gil would see her in a different light because of that. BUT…that wasn‘t what happened. The event seemed to be a one-off. @IndoorDame Sylvie…exactly. It was just pure laziness on the author‘s part. (edited) 4mo
Read4life Maybe we should change our group name. #mischiefmanagers @mcctrish 🤣🤣 4mo
Larkken Hmph. Well, at least I like #actionceline more than #mopeyceline 4mo
vlwelser This novel went totally off the rails. Madame Sylvie is sort of fun. But a weird narrative choice. 4mo
vonnie862 I laughed. A psychic, really?! 4mo
DebinHawaii There were so many scratch my head or really shake my heads moments. I felt like the CPR was a “How do I get these two crazy kids in love when I‘m nearing the end of the book & they barely interact?!?!” idea. & the Madam Sylvie was her answer to “Wait! How do I give her some way to find the damn painting because I‘m nearing the end of the book?!?!” Definitely in need of better editing. I am here for the group editing & mischief managing! 😉🤣 4mo
julieclair @CoffeeNBooks A dare!!! Or… I know that sometimes authors donate their time/talent to charity auctions. Maybe someone bid on her and she had to include some plot elements of their choosing. 🤣 4mo
julieclair I enjoyed Madame Sylvie - off the rails, for sure, but a fun ride nonetheless. 4mo
mollyrotondo @Read4life @Karisa @mcctrish Mischief Managers ❤️ 4mo
mollyrotondo I was so confused by the psychic introduction lol I didn‘t realize these characters were into the mystic arts. It‘s fine that she was the neighbor that found Ondine when she died but she became an integral part in the story too late in the book. And the Celine thing 🙄 her whole story was boring to me. It started off super interesting but then dragged on once she got to France. 4mo
Karisa @mollyrotondo 😂🥰 4mo
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Cooking for Picasso | C A Belmond, Camille Aubray
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Now we get to finish…. Any guess how this ties up??

vlwelser I like Celine more but the story itself seems to be losing steam. 5mo
IndoorDame @vlwelser I think my favorite Celine is action hero Celine. When she‘s getting arrested, or rushing to clandestine meetings on yachts 😆 5mo
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AmyG I think action Celine finds the painting and helps out Gil buy the mas. 5mo
CoffeeAndABook Looking forward to the last stretch of the book! Things obviously turned around for Ondine and she gets back on her feet. But I have no idea how the Celine story line will continue. She‘ll somehow be able to help her mom out and get back at her awful siblings, of that I‘m pretty sure. Ok, at least I hope so 🙂 5mo
vonnie862 Can't wait to finish! 5mo
mcctrish I think #actionceline finds the painting and invests in the Mas, Gil gets to use Ondine‘s recipes and there‘s probably some kissing 5mo
Librarybelle My guess: Celine and Gil get together. She tells him her family story. It somehow connects them. Maybe she finds the painting??? 5mo
kspenmoll I am thinking like @Librarybelle that she finds the painting & she & Gill get together. I think her Aunt sees that relationship happening or at least thinks they are a good match & hopes for it 5mo
CoffeeNBooks @AmyG That's my guess, too! 5mo
DebinHawaii I agree that she does ultimately find the painting & helps Gil. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds & ties to the yacht scene at the beginning of the book. 5mo
mollyrotondo I can‘t wait to see how this ties into the yacht scene at the beginning 😂 feels like that was forever ago 😂 4mo
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