Have a draggy, sick week, so am comfort reading old favourites to give my brain a break and my soul some comfort. There‘s nothing like a comfort read to feel cozy — what are your comfort reads?
Have a draggy, sick week, so am comfort reading old favourites to give my brain a break and my soul some comfort. There‘s nothing like a comfort read to feel cozy — what are your comfort reads?
THIS one I liked more. The banter between Little Sh*t Asteroth and Always Fighting Calladia was tasty. Maybe I'm just a sucker for...well, this wasn't exactly enemies to lovers, but it was close! As close as you can probably get in contemporary fiction. The ending was...interesting, but I can appreciate that these books, while romances, try to tackle Big Issues(TM) as well as personal ones.
4 stars | #romance #paranormal #witch
I was looking for an audiobook at work on Spotify that was under their 15 hour limit and behold! A book my aunt had recently read the sequel to! I enjoyed this one. It was a fun little romp, another witchy paranormal romance I could add to my collection for this year. If you're looking for something to just...put on, or a palette cleanser after something heavy, this one is pretty good.
3.5 stars | #romance #paranormal #witch
So much fun! Sharing is caring, collaboration is key, and proper seating and attention to load restrictions is important for flying transportation. 😉
4.25/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
“He'd gained everything together under one roof for Roger and me. Proof of life. Our lives. His too.”
#fantasy #historical #romance #witch
Todays #midwintersolace #Fridaynightshare is a book about or including Solstice/Equinox fiction or non fiction- I‘m always excited to see fiction books people find with solstice! So i‘m looking forward to seeing shared posts 🕯️