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I did this one as a mix of audio and hardback. The audio is wonderful. Rebecca Lee does a wonderful job of bringing this book to life. The text has you chuckling in places, but the audio has you laughing. Part memoir, part comedy show, part real life advice, this book is just what we all needed in the midst of lockdown. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

GingerAntics I would love to see more people read this book because ultimately the premise is that as a culture we need to stop clenching our teeth and just surviving our dark periods, and actively embracing the reality that dark periods of life exist and we can learn from them. I like the author‘s idea of wearing our dark periods as badges of honour. This book will be staying on my shelf, and I will absolutely be rereading it. 3y
Centique @GingerAntics I love that summation about wearing the dark periods of our life as badges of honour. This sounds wonderful. I have it stacked already but I will be moving it up. 😍 3y
GingerAntics @Centique the audiobook is great. If you can find a copy of the audiobook, it‘s lovely hearing it. It‘s kind of like having a conversation with a friend about how life can suck sometimes, but how to get through it. 3y
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Sometimes, this is what I feel like with my students. This is always what I feel like at home with my family. This is 100% what I feel every time I try to mention new methods or new discussions about how to work with our students. It‘s always “you‘re so naive. You‘ll learn when you have 30/40/50 years experience like me.” 🙄
#KatherineMay #Wintering #MentalHealth #gaslighting #teaching #toxicworkenvironment

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I didn‘t know this about Margaret Thatcher, but it honestly doesn‘t surprise me.
#KatherineMay #Wintering #MentalHealth #women #womensvoices #MargaretThatcher

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I have never found this to be useful or successful in my classroom. I was taught to be a professor by someone who still swears by this method. It‘s nothing but a self fulfilling prophecy. If you treat your students like they‘re lazy and just looking for excuses, they‘re going to live up to that. If you treat your students like they can push through and do amazing things, 9 times out of 10 they step up to the plate.

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If I could even have a quarter of these results, I would love it.
#KatherineMay #Wintering #MentalHealth #ColdWater #inflammation #depression #anxiety

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Some scientists now posit that depression (and by extension anxiety and other similar issues) are symptoms of inflammation in the brain. By immersing the body in cold water, it treats brain inflammation like inflammation of a joint. Some people come to crave it. Others hate it. I really want to try it.
#KatherineMay #Wintering #MentalHealth #ColdWater #inflammation #depression #anxiety

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I‘ve never heard of freezing clothes to kill the bacteria. It makes sense, though. It would be great for bedding after being sick. I‘m going to try this come winter. Is it winter yet?! 😂🤣😂
#KatherineMay #Wintering #MentalHealth #laundry #freeze

Amandajoy I‘ve heard of that you can refresh jeans by putting them in the freezer. 3y
GingerAntics @Amandajoy that does sound familiar now that you mention it. 3y
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I love snow days. I love snow. Maybe it‘s because I haven‘t really had any in 20 years. I love the section on snow and snow days.
#KatherineMay #Wintering #MentalHealth #snow #SnowDay

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I‘ve just finished the audiobook, which was absolutely lovely. I have marked parts I want to go back and read more slowly/deeply after hearing them and following along in my book. This is such a wonderful book, and I look forward to sharing it over the next few days.
#KatherineMay #Wintering #MentalHealth #audiobook

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I remember in my first semester of grad school I would go every night after class to the gym, workout for a bit or swim for a while. Then I would go sit in the sauna. I was ALWAYS alone. It was quiet and peaceful. It was like being in a world to myself. I don‘t know if it made my body any healthier, but it sure made my mind healthier. I love a good sit in a sauna. I am not trying to locate the nearest sauna. I would love to go for a nice sit.

GingerAntics I also want “in sauna” as a social media status. 😂🤣😂 #KatherineMay #Wintering #MentalHealth #Sauna 3y
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