Taking bets on the number of jokes along the lines of "Good Friday is now Bad Friday".
#ASeriesOfUnfortunateEvents #ASOUE #TheWorldIsQuietHere #VFD #LemonySnicket #Netflix #Friyay
Taking bets on the number of jokes along the lines of "Good Friday is now Bad Friday".
#ASeriesOfUnfortunateEvents #ASOUE #TheWorldIsQuietHere #VFD #LemonySnicket #Netflix #Friyay
Loved the whole series, and this book was one of the best. It completed the series, and there isn't much else to say except that it was amazing. I read when I was home sick, and after finishing had a bittersweet moment, it was over, but it was perfect. Not to mention Lemony Snicket it hilarious #vfd #asoue #theend
I had forgotten a lot of the details of this book, and maybe that's why the absurdist humor of it grabbed me more than any of the previous books this read-through. It also contains the first real hints at the overarching plot, though, so maybe this is just where the series really stats to hit its stride. #notaSOREjoke #VFD
Terrible news from #Netflix.
#LemonySnicket #ASeriesofUnfortunateEvents #ASOUE #VFD #TheWorldIsQuietHere