Very pleased with how much I read last year. Try for 30 again this year, starting with #thechain
11-14-20: My 94th finished book of 2020! When Rachel‘s daughter is kidnapped Rachel becomes the next link in the chain. I don‘t want to give anything away so I will just say this is a fast paced, diabolical tale of one mother‘s fight to save her family. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #thechain #adrianmckinty 👍🏼📖#️⃣9️⃣4️⃣
This is my super late post of my #NovemberTBR.
#GunIsland (currently reading)
#PrettyGuityWomen (Read it)
#IfICouldOnlyTellYou (Read it)
#AftertheFlood (Read it)
#TheChain (Read it)
#AskAgainYes (not pictured. Read it)
#QOTD: Have you read any of these books? What's on your November Hopefuls list?
Day 13 - #ReadInOneSitting #TheChain #AdrianMcKinty #GratefulReads
The Chain is one of those white-knuckle, stay-up-till-3 a.m. thrillers that keeps you reading feverishly because you just need to know how this one plays out. Part of the appeal lies in a fiendishly clever and original premise, a premise Adrian McKinty plots out flawlessly.
I really enjoyed this book! It is a realistic plot that has you questioning your own morals and just how far you will go to protect your child.
The story moved quickly making it easy to read. The characters were relatable and the antagonist was absolutely vile.
Definitely a book I'd suggest for those who like thrillers!
#adrianmckinty #thechain #bookstagram #bookreview #5star #lallahbookreview #readinginlallahland
My tbr for October. Really looking forward to. A Court of Mist and Fury! #thegraveyardbook #onceuponariver #thechain #thecasquettegirls #lockeverydoor #thelasttimeilied #heartshapedbox #acourtofmistandfury #wherethecrawdadssing
#AdrianMcKinty #TheChain
Adrian McKinty making the big time on CBS this morning:
Watch this: https://youtu.be/hlibOowd1Yc
Finally got The Chain Audio! Listening to this today!
#TheChain #AdrianMcKinty