Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
#boleybooks #joehill #heartshapedbox #bookbeast #bookjoy #bookbuds #happyhalloween2022
What are you reading? 😊
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
#boleybooks #joehill #heartshapedbox #bookbeast #bookjoy #bookbuds #happyhalloween2022
What are you reading? 😊
This is one creepy, scary ghost story. Judas Coyne, a death-metal-rock god buys a heart-shaped box with a man‘s suit (which is haunted) inside. Strange things start happening and Judas decides to send the box back but the sender says the ghost is intend on staying with Judas. I like Joe Hill‘s writing and his well-developed characters. I need to read more of his books as I love to be scared! Chip off the block of his father, Stephen King!
My tbr for October. Really looking forward to. A Court of Mist and Fury! #thegraveyardbook #onceuponariver #thechain #thecasquettegirls #lockeverydoor #thelasttimeilied #heartshapedbox #acourtofmistandfury #wherethecrawdadssing
A Christmas exchange in my Facebook exchange group https://www.facebook.com/groups/179399556156970/ brought me love for a new author #JoeHill #HeartShapedBox 😍😍
Playing catch up on #90sinJuly:
Heartless because I can't help think of poor Catherine and the possible #heartshapedbox where her heart lives, Still Alice for both #myownworstenemy and #beautifulstranger
Lastly, #myhero and #shero Shonda Rhimes and her book, Year of Yes! Her incredible writing and the inclusion of multifaceted characters represented by POC in all of her shows have changed my life and I love her for it!
@Cinfhen @Robothugs
Due to crazy wedding stuff this week I'm playing #90sinJuly #catchup so let's go left to right!
Day 7: Not a book, but I just couldn't think of a better #Wannabe than Mr. D
Day 8: Might not really be a #HeartShapedBox but I think it works
Day 9: #MyOwnWorstEnemy I think Nick really was his in the long run
Day 10: I'm not really sure if he is a #BeautifulStranger or not, but definitely strange
@Cinfhen @Robothugs
#90sInJuly #day8 #HeartShapedBox I would buy Jean-Claude a heart-shaped coffin & the happily spend eternity in it with him! It's not just the black curls, or those blue blue eyes, nor the snazzy clothes & the charisma. It's all of it combined , then throw in the French accent. 100s of years spent in a box seems a small price to pay. Sorry for the lateness, it's been a difficult two days.
The #heartshapedbox I own was a gift from a friend when my grandma died.
My grandma loved baseball more than anyone else I know. Her cousin was Ty Cobb so I think it was in her genes (although she was a lovely person, unlike Cobb). Sometimes I would mischievously call her when I knew the Mariners were playing to see how long I could keep her on the phone.
The Brothers K is a brilliant story of #family and baseball; one she would have loved.
Maybe if the narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" had had a #HeartShapedBox, he wouldn't have had so many problems. #90sInJuly