Currently reading: Started on 8.8.20 #TalkingAsFastAsICan #LaurenGraham #GilmoreGirls
Currently reading: Started on 8.8.20 #TalkingAsFastAsICan #LaurenGraham #GilmoreGirls
I loved Gilmore Girls and couldn't wait to get my hands on this book. It didnt disappoint Lauren Graham is as genuine, entertaining and endearing as any Gilmore Girls fan would expect. A great read. #laurengraham #talkingasfastasican #litsy #tea_sipping_bookworm #bookstagram #goodreads
I got this box not too long ago in the mail. I'm curious as to how Talking As Fast As I Can is. I guess I'll find out!
#toberead #gilmoregirls #laurengraham #talkingasfastasican
I feel like this should be grandfathered into the #gilmoregirlsreadingchallenge. @Mindyrecycles I'm going to start this challenge in the new year and I'm very excited, but I'm also very excited to read this book as well. I feel like it totally qualifies!!! And apparently it has writing advice!!! lol #laurengraham #talkingasfastasican
Great audiobook. #laurengraham reads it herself...if you‘re a fan of Gilmore Girls (which I am) or just of its fast-paced, witty style (which I am), this is a fabulous, breezy, smart choice.
MY March Reads ♡
1st up, #talkingasfastasican
Christmas Book Haul 🙌 #christmas #christmaspresents #christmasday #christmas2017 #books #bookhaul #christmasbooks #booksarelife #booklover #bibliophile #johngreen #rainbowrowell #laurengraham #katherinemcgee #victoriaaveyard #stephaniegarber #turtlesallthewaydown #caraval #almostmidnight #talkingasfastasican #thedazzlingheights #redqueen