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Litsy is going wonky, so my original post seems to have gone missing. Trying again.

I am rearranging my bookshelves and need inspiration to help organize all my unread books to make them easier to find. Right now all my TBR books are scattered across multiple shelves, in stacks, on my desk...basically everywhere. It makes it hard to find books to fill reading challenge prompts

Show my your TBR bookcases! I need ideas! #tbrshelfie

MaGoose Only 20 unread books?! My, my, the author must be a newbie bookster. I have several thousand unread books, mostly on my Nook, but some actual print books. 😃 😄 5y
alisiakae @MaGoose I actually edited that pic to say 200, but Litsy isn't working properly for me this morning. Not sure why! 5y
TheSpineView I MUST file alphabetically by author. It's a thing, what can I say. Then the books I plan on reading first are on my library cart. 5y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Mine are all over too...the ones I‘m hoping to read sooner end up on my mini bookshelf/nightstand...and then as I create openings there, I pull in others from the larger shelves/piles mix. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Mine are all over too...the ones I‘m hoping to read sooner end up on my mini bookshelf/nightstand...and then as I create openings there, I pull in others from the larger shelves/piles mix. 5y
alisiakae @Riveted_Reader_Melissa This is what I have been doing, but lately, a book comes to mind that I want to read, and then it takes me days to find it on one of my shelves. 😂 5y
Sarahreadstoomuch I don‘t really have a great organization system (I know, I‘m a librarian, it‘s embarrassing) but I do take them all off the shelf once a year and reassess if I actually still want to read each book. Then I put them back, with the ones I‘m most excited about seeing again toward the top. 5y
jb72 My bookcases are total chaos. I am of no help at all. 5y
alisiakae @jb72 😂 😂 😂 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I feel your pain!!! 5y
Gissy Mine are all in boxes because I'm moving but I packed them in the way I will like to organize them, by genres. However, there are some books that I will organize in special way like the penguin special editions. 5y
janeycanuck I get so confused by people who mix read and unread books. All my unread paper books are together, organized by year I acquired them and then by height within each year. Then I can stand and look at everything I haven‘t read yet when I‘m deciding what to read next. 5y
alisiakae @janeycanuck That is impressive organization! I‘m still on the fence as to how I am going to reorganize my shelves. I‘m waiting till popsugar puts out the 2020 RC, so I can select books for prompts while I rearrange my shelves! 5y
janeycanuck @4thhouseontheleft it works for me... and hopefully, you figure out what works for you, too! 5y
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A couple days late posting my #TBRShelfie #LiteraryLuck

But here are the physical books remaining for my #MountTBR challenge. Believe it or not, I‘ve already made a dent.

vkois88 That's awesome! I've been adding to mine 😕😕😕 5y
Reviewsbylola Your shelves are so colorful and cheerful! 5y
diovival 😍 5y
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The Wife Between Us | Sarah Pekkanen, Greer Hendricks
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My tentative #TBRShelfie for March, a few days late. I'm a mood reader, so this could all change throughout the month. Not pictured is an ARC copy of Lizzie Borden's Trial I received via #NetGalley. I've already started it, but haven't gotten too far yet. Also not pictured is this month's #CoffeeBeanBookClub pick, A Serial Killer's Daughter (received via NetGalley), and My Plain Jane from the library.

#LiteraryLuck @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great stack!!! 📚📚 5y
Elma Nice stack! 5y
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#literaryluck #tbrshelfie

I was in Laguna yesterday, I needed a Me day, and I couldn't resist the lure of the Friends of the Library so I popped in and bought this stack for $12.50 to add to my always growing tbr pile.

Samplergal Lots of love in that stack! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great stack!! We are reading One Day In December for our buddy read in December!! It‘s so good!! #BotmBuddyRead 💗📚 5y
Nute Lots of good reads in that stack. Enjoy! 5y
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Christine Great finds! 5y
mrp27 @Samplergal Yes! All these titles were on my wish list so I was very happy with my choices. 5y
mrp27 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks! I'll definitely save it for December so I can join in on the buddy read. 5y
mrp27 @Nute Thanks, I will! 5y
mrp27 @Chrsitine Thanks, the best part were the prices! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @mrp27 yay!!! We thought it would be perfect for then!! 5y
vkois88 Ahhhh I want to read One Day In December! I'm on the waitlist... but it's like 6 months long lol 5y
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Every shelf of every bookshelf in our house is populated with gems I would someday like to read. (Except for most of the books on the shelf below - those are Chris‘)
This shelf in particular has quite a few. 😍 #tbrshelfie #LiteraryLuck

Sleepswithbooks Your shelf makes my heart feel like 😊 5y
Gissy A beautiful picture! Shelves full with lovely📚📚📚📚and bookish things! 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it!!! 💚🍀❤️ 5y
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mabell @Stacypatrice Thank you! ❤️ A reminder I need to read more! 😄 5y
mabell Thanks @Gissy ! There are quite a few treasures from you on there! 😊❤️ 5y
mabell Thanks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ! 😄❤️ 5y
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Pet Sematary (Library) | Stephen King
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All my bookshelves have a mixture of read and TBR books, so have a picture of the books I‘m planning on reading as my #MarchReads. They reside on my night stand with my stuffed sloth ❤️

#TBRShelfie #LiteraryLuck
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks We are reading Spinning Silver for our #BotmBuddyRead !! We are discussing chapters 1-7 tomorrow if you want to join us!!! 5y
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The Silent Patient | Alex Michaelides
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My March goal is to read through one #tbr stack by the end of this month 🤓📚🤞🏻 #TBRshelfie #1

#LiteraryLuck @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Aswenson Good luck! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🍀👍🏻🙌🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Bon chance! (edited) 5y
tammysue @CoverToCoverGirl Ty! 😁🤞🏻 5y
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Circus Galacticus | Deva Fagan
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Not exactly a #TBRshelfie but these are my planned reads for the month. #LiteraryMonth

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I almost picked up Ready Player One at Goodwill the other day!!! 5y
MommyOfTwo @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it is so good, it will be a reread for me 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MommyOfTwo really?! Dang I should have gotten it!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ 5y
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I can't quite do a #TBRshelfie because I'm reading most of these by Kindle, and I'm doing some reorganization of my library anyway. However, here are some March goals! #LiteraryLuck

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks These look good!! Good luck 🍀👍🏻 5y
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Gonna go with a digital #TBRShelfie as I have some titles to get through this weekend before they're returned. 😅 And also, my #LMPBC pick!


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Maid is in one of our upcoming #BotmBuddyRead in July if you want to join for discussions!! (edited) 5y
KT1432 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ooohh yes I'd love to! I'll have to remember to join in, thanks!! 5y
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