Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Spending some time with the BBC audio rendition of #ReturnOfTheKing #jrrtolkien #tolkien #booksbrewsandbooze #tolkienreadingday
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Spending some time with the BBC audio rendition of #ReturnOfTheKing #jrrtolkien #tolkien #booksbrewsandbooze #tolkienreadingday
I'd forgotten how intense #returnoftheking gets. Tolkien knew how to write a battle scene 😨😱. And now I'm finally caught up.
It's that time of week again for #HumpDayPost!! Hope all you wonderful and beautiful book lovers are having a great day! @MinDea
1. It is cloudy and overcast here in #Seattle
2. We watched Passengers last night...wouldn't recommend.
3. The Book Thief, Harry Potter (can a series count as 1 book??) and The Handmaid's Tale
4. #TheBlinds and #ReturnOfTheKing #lotrChapterADay
5. When I was in school, my favorite subject was French
"I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear either pain or death" ? ? #lordoftherings #returnoftheking #ladyeowyn
Trying to finish this one for almost half a year. Having too little time to read lately.
Intentando acabar este desde hace por lo menos medio año. Tengo muy poco tiempo para leer últimamente.
#lotr #lordoftherings #returnoftheking #hobbits #elfs #rohirrims #harpercollins #gandalf #Frodo #Gimli #Legolas #Merry #Pippin #Aragorn #mordor #part3
Finally starting part 3! #LOTR #Tolkien #ReturnoftheKing