What are you all reading this evening?? 😃
What are you all reading this evening?? 😃
I got lost down the rabbit hole that is fanfiction. I love reading but sometimes (Most of the time) it's too much for me to get emotionally invested in another fictional character. So I always end up turning back to books I've read before because it seems safer. I'm trying to get better.....I'm rereading Soulless for the third time this year but I am trying. Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions? #readerproblem #help #suggestions
What words look like after staying up to 2 am to finish a book. #readerproblem
When I balance my Kindle on my stomach so as to not have to hold it with my hands the pulse in my stomach makes it rock back and forth. Has anyone else experienced this very acute #readerproblem?
Rereading Handmaid's Tale because I want to read The Testaments. Now just opened my #StaycationInTimeSwap and might need to also add one of the books I got through the swap to my currently reading. Too many great reads is the best #ReaderProblem ever! 😂 6y