“But he recognized his bottled up laughter for the onset of hysteria, and his cynicism for what it was: a defense mechanism so he wouldn‘t have to think about any of it.” #weirdfiction #quarantinebook
“But he recognized his bottled up laughter for the onset of hysteria, and his cynicism for what it was: a defense mechanism so he wouldn‘t have to think about any of it.” #weirdfiction #quarantinebook
A fantastical world with drama of its own to escape into ✔️
STRONG female characters (and a diverse cast in general) ✔️
Dragons ✔️
No teenage love triangles ✔️
All in all, a perfect #QuarantineBook for these crazy times 👌
#Booked2020 #MillennialAuthor
This is how I plan to survive all this craziness. Well after I convert all my course to an online format. Stay well everyone! #COVID-19 #quaranread #quarantine #quarantinebook
Quarantine day 3/14
We are trying to do little “projects” each day, so we don‘t turn into couch potatoes completely. Today we gave the apartment a thorough Spring/Covid-19 cleaning, so I feel justified in taking a few hours with my book and a cup of coffee 📖☕️
Happy Saturday Littens ❤️
#Currentlyreading #QuarantineBook
As of yesterday, I was put in quarantine for the next two weeks due to travelling in the UK last week. Today was my first day home, and so far it hasn‘t been to hard to work from home. But I guess I have some long days ahead of me! But anything that might help speeding down the virus spreading to fast is good at this point, so happy to do my part.
Started my first #QuarantineBook today, look forward to it!
Day 2/14 of quarantine
Next up in my #QuarantineReads is this chunky beast. I have been saving it for a holiday, but now feels like the perfect time to escape this crazy world for a bit, and dive into something completely different. Also, dragons!!! 🐲🐉🐲🐉
First #QuarantineBook finished! That‘s one good thing about having to stay home - plenty of reading time! And with a book as good as this, reading time is needed! I felt bad every time I had to leave Stella‘s life story, and what a life she lived. It was darker than I had imagined going in, but Stella is the kind of character that you can‘t help but love, no matter how dark it gets. She is flawed, she is strong, and she felt real. 🙌