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I don‘t mean to pile on during #NaNoWriMo, but how‘s your #Goodreads #ReadingChallenge going this year?

NaNoWriMo | Washington School for the Deaf, Ginger Speranza
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Anybody else doing #nanowrimo this year? I brought back my bingo board.😄 Check out all the details on my blog: https://charityrau.wordpress.com/2023/10/31/nanowrimo-bingo-2023/

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I'm so behind it's not even funny 🙄
Stuck at the passage of the Grey Company, but I'm planning to dedicate the weekend to reading and writing for a change (l'm behind with #NaNoWriMo too).
Let's see how it will go.
I can't bring this book with me on commute because it's so bulky...

Clare-Dragonfly I wish you good reading and writing! I‘m doing NaNoWriMo too! And I‘m thinking a chapter a day might be too fast for this book… 7mo
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BethM @Clare-Dragonfly I‘m with you- these are long weighty chapters! 7mo
JazzFeathers @Clare-Dragonfly We did a chapter a day multiple times since the group was born in 2017, and it was never a problem for me to keep up. But this year it's simply too busy for me. Hey! How is your NaNo going? I'm keep up at the mo, but let's see how it goes... 7mo
JazzFeathers @BethM Yes, they are though chapters and longish. But also so good! 7mo
Clare-Dragonfly It occurred to me that if I weren‘t trying to read so many other books at the same time it would be just fine 😂 My NaNo is going okay! I caught up on Saturday, but now I‘m behind again—I thought I‘d be able to take a chunk of time out in the afternoon to write, but couldn‘t manage it, so I just did a frantic couple hundred before bed. 7mo
JazzFeathers @Clare-Dragonfly 😂 Re: NaNo, l'm falling behind. But I'm still trying to write at least a bit every day. 7mo
Clare-Dragonfly That‘s good! Even if you don‘t make it to 50k, you‘ll have more words than you started out with! 7mo
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You find yourself in a House Of Hollow. Standing in a hallway filled with dust and cobwebs, you close your eyes & tell yourself that None Of This Is True. But opening your eyes, you find you‘re still #trappedinaspookyhouse. You enter the library & look out a dirty window but can‘t see What Lies In The Woods. For Your Own Good, you decide to wait there. On a table, you find a stack of books that you hope will help you Stay Awake until help arrives.

MartinaLove Wow! Love it!!! Your text is brilliant!! Thank you!!! 8mo
wanderinglynn @MartinaLove glad you enjoyed it! I had fun writing it. You had a great list of books to choose from. 8mo
CSeydel Oh, well done!! This is next level! 8mo
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wanderinglynn @CSeydel thank you! I‘m gearing up for #NaNoWriMo in November. (edited) 8mo
PuddleJumper Oh very nicely presented! Love it! 8mo
julieclair Very clever! 👍 8mo
bthegood Perfect!! (edited) 8mo
wanderinglynn Thanks @bthegood ☺️ 8mo
Charityann I love this!😄 7mo
wanderinglynn @Charityann thanks! ☺️ 7mo
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NaNoWriMo Notes | Richard Marcus
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So, here we are again 😊
Who else is doing #NaNoWriMo?

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I love this book! It really helps break things down to manageable parts and keep the overall narrative in perspective! Tonight I‘m working on my Romancing the Beats Scrivener beat sheet between trick or treaters in preparation for #NaNoWriMo‘s kick off! And CleoCatra is “helping” me, lol. I had planned on reading some ghost stories, but the last minute panic of zero prep has kicked in! 😹

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Hey #writersoflitsy - anyone doing #nanowrimo? I‘ve made a bingo board again - feel free to share and tag with #nanobingo22. Also, I‘ve created a few other templates which you can check out here:


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Hello, Littens! It‘s been a while! Thought I‘d share a photo of my #usedbooks #bookhaul from the SSO Book Sale. I haven‘t bought books in a long, long time so it felt so good to go book hunting! All of these are #tbr but with #Nanowrimo approaching, I‘m looking forward to reading the tagged book ASAP.

BarbaraBB Good to see you back ❤️ 2y
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Summer Breeze | Catherine Anderson
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Bring on my vacation and #OutstandingOctober! I have the next 9 days off, my birthday is on Friday (the 21st) and my only real reading goals are to get through as many of these books and whatever I can get through on kindle. I‘ve already started Summer Breeze and Verity, plus Mafia Mistress on my kindle. I‘m also in preptober for #NaNoWriMo so I‘ll be working on that as well. Looking forward to a great week!

CocoReads Although I‘m a mood reader so these might change depending on my mood. 😁 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Verity is so creepy good!! 🖤 2y
CocoReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope so. My sister loved it but so far I‘m not. But I‘m not very far in so hopefully I‘ll change my mind. 2y
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