Anybody else doing #nanowrimo this year? I brought back my bingo board.😄 Check out all the details on my blog: https://charityrau.wordpress.com/2023/10/31/nanowrimo-bingo-2023/
Anybody else doing #nanowrimo this year? I brought back my bingo board.😄 Check out all the details on my blog: https://charityrau.wordpress.com/2023/10/31/nanowrimo-bingo-2023/
So this prompt came up and of course my mind goes totally blank, and all I can think about is the book I‘m reading right now (it‘s pretty great and definitely a favourite of 2021). WHAT ON EARTH ARE MY FAVOURITE BOOKS?!
Who else is doing NaNo this year?!
#NaNo #NaNoWriMo #NaNo21 #NaNoWriMo2021 #FavoriteBooks #WritingPrompt #CreativeWriting
I know I‘ve been a little absent but school hit me like a BRICK WALL. I‘ve had so many essays due (most for just one class) in the past week and a half.... Anywho, I‘m slowly getting back in the swing of things!
#nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019 #nano19 #nanobingo19
I really don't know what it will be of my #NaNoWriMo this year. I'm really tired after such a hard month at work, and my shifts are still crazy.
But l'm going to attempt it anyway 😊
Today l worked to my upcoming serial.
It‘s that time of year again! Technically I already have 20000 words but I‘m not counting those.
#NaNoWriMo #NationalNovelWritingMonth #NaNoBingo19
Hey, friends! Is anyone else doing NaNoWriMo next month? I tried it last year, aaand I bailed on my project on like day 3. I have a project this year that I really want to see through. I'm wondering, how do you hold yourself accountable for the word goals? How does one even prep something like this?
Also, does anyone want to be buddies on the website? 🤓
WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER! No joke, I actually started tearing up as this was a life goal of mine to complete NaNoWriMo at least once. #nanowrimo
Pokes head up and looks around.
House is destroyed. Dishes are piled up. Laundry is a mountain.
Seriously overdue library materials.
But hey, I wrote 50,069 words and completed my first novel! #nanowrimo
My snuggle buddy as I was writing today. I hit 15,252 words. #nanowrimo #catsoflitsy
I picked up this little keyboard case for my ipad mini so I can do some writing outside the house without having to carry a big laptop. Even though my hands are tiny, this will still take some getting used to. #nanowrimo #writing
This year I am attempting NaNoWriMo again, and so far I‘ve hit 10,108 words. Right now I‘m getting some more writing in before going to my weekly knitting group. Loki is keeping me company. #catsoflitsy #nanowrimo