It's gorgeous outside so I'm taking advantage of the weather and having a little picnic lunch break for some #lunchreads 😊
It's gorgeous outside so I'm taking advantage of the weather and having a little picnic lunch break for some #lunchreads 😊
Friday means a (really) late lunch and some light reading! Finally sating my curiosity about this series after seeing the fandom around so much. 🙂 #lunchreads #manga
TFW you read the Book Riot's Swords and Spaceships newsletter and see a book that sounds great and you're reading it an hour later because it's on Hoopla.
#CurrentReads #LunchReads
Yep. It's as good as it looks. Go ahead and stack it. You're welcome.
EDIT: I sent the Litsy team a message asking them to add this title. They had it up in like 15 minutes. Litsy is the best social network.
Snatching a few moments of bookish solitude in the middle of a busy work day. 🙏🏻💕 #lunchreads #lunch #solitude #teaandbooks #tea #workday
#lunchreads with a yummy salad and strawberry lemonade! Celebrating a good dentist check up! 😊😋🥗
Soooo glad I stashed some of my tbr pile at my desk. Forgot until I got to work that I'm meeting people for a movie tonight. #lunchreads #whenyouliveinthemiddleofnowheresoyoudonthaveenoughtimetogohome
Aaaaah homemade pizza and a sleepy kitty make for good #lunchreads 😊
My previous read was set in Sweden, so I've decided to stay there for my next one. This book sounds intriguing. I've got high hopes! Little Man wanted grilled cheese for lunch, and with this head cold that's hit me I didn't have the energy to make myself anything else. #lunchreads #needlotsoftea