Book mail from the awesome @MaleficentBookDragon ! Thank you so much! I am excited to read milk and honey from my TBR and the surprise thriller looks intriguing! #letsplayagame giveaway 😊🎉👍🏻💕
Book mail from the awesome @MaleficentBookDragon ! Thank you so much! I am excited to read milk and honey from my TBR and the surprise thriller looks intriguing! #letsplayagame giveaway 😊🎉👍🏻💕
I‘m FINALLY sending out some packages today.
I haven‘t forgotten you my #letsplayagame winners! You books are going out today.
I also finally managed to crochet a set of fingerless gloves that are the same size.😊 They are heading out to you today @Jennick2004 . Happy St Patmas ☘️ 🤣 from cold Binghamton NY. Is it still cold where you are Jenny?
PS- that IS a cat tail in the window.🐈
Because I‘m
1) a procrastinator
2) been crazy busy at work
3) and, most importantly, I‘m still a little loopy from surgery today 😅
I am picking 3 winners from my #letsplayagame giveaway.
And the winners are-
@FantasyChick @callielafleur and @JulAnna
Yay! Send me your mailing addresses to MaleficentBookDragon@gmail.com and I‘ll send you a random pick from TBR and an extra surprise.
Thank you everyone who entered! Litsy is the best!
Congrats @MaleficentBookDragon on your milestone. And thanks for the wonderful #giveaway you‘re hosting. My family used to play “Loteria,” which if like the Mexican version of bingo. Instead of numbers and a letter they had drawings. Now that I think about it, they probably used pictures to make it easier to play for those who were illiterate. Anyway, we had so much fun playing it as a family. I may have to purchase a set soon. #letsplayagame
#letsplayagame congrats @MaleficentBookDragon I love this prompt. This is a fantastic board game. We went through a stage when the older kids were 15.+ 16 of playing this at least once a week, now it‘s just at Christmas. We are all so competitive so it got violent at times. I even fought with my husband so much and he was my teammate 😂 sam and Sarah always beat us they almost read each other‘s mind. BEST board game ever! 🙈
Congrats to @MaleficentBookDragon so to honour your #letsplayagame #giveaway here is a pic of a game I played as a kid and still play today!! This crokinole board was always in the spare room at my Grandparents house, it was hand made by my step great-grandfather many, many years ago. A couple of years ago I asked my Grandmother for it. We still play it. My Dad made one for my sister for her Christmas gift this year!!
Congratulations on your milestone @MaleficentBookDragon Our community just keeps getting stronger every day! We used to play a lot of card games as kids, we struggled for money so a pack of cards was cheap & used for many games, especially Euchre. When my older sister got her first job, she bought us Trivial Pursuit which was brand new at the time. We played it so much that even now I use the trivia it taught me in conversations! #LetsPlayAGame
Congrats on your Litsy milestone @MaleficentBookDragon 🎉🎉 I remember playing this with my parents and my dad was a terrible cheat. I was the murderer, but I would go around the board only to discover people I had killed had miraculously come back to life and people I hadn‘t even visited previously were dead! 😂😂 Thanks for hosting a #giveaway! #letsplayagame
Maybe you can tell what our favorite game is? #letsplayagame #giveaway Thanks @MaleficentBookDragon ! What a fun idea!
I can only slightly remember playing this game, mostly because I remember family members favorite token colors to choose. I‘m old.